Gender - Male
Ethnicity - Indian
GPA - 3.38 (junior year best yet)
SAT I - 1310/1940 (breaking 2000 in October)
AP's - US Hist (5), Bio (5), Chem (4)
SAT II - Bio = 710, US Hist = 710
Tech Crew 3 years
Jazz Band 4 years
Band 1.5 years
Orchestra 1.5 years
Pep Band 1.5 years
Marching Band 1 year
(Most band stuff was only available after switching schools)</p>
<p>Senior Schedule
AP Music Theory
AP Government
AP Physics
College Prep Senior English (Not honors or ap)
Photo II
<p>Community Service uhhh... working on that (switched schools... hours didn't transfer) Got a gig at the hospital... will end up w/ 50+ hrs (just enough to graduate hahaha)
Go to really competitive public school , top 100 in nation, and went to elite private before</p>
<p>lookin at majoring in bio at
IU Bloom
Case Western
Miami of Ohio
University of Rochester is my dream school...</p>
<p>could you guys come up with some more and chance me on these... i like 2500 -30000 people... i would like to avoid the 15000 - 30000 but its not crucial... and no urban please.... thanks doggies</p>