<p>Hello! I understand the difference between reach, safety, and target schools but I am desperately bad at deciding them for myself.... I'm beginning to doubt my judgement so if anyone could tell me what they think of my list and possibly re comment more safeties/ targets it would be greatly appreciated</p>
I'm either salutatorian or 3rd in class rank
GPA: 3.9 unweighted, 4.5 weighted
APs: Biology and US History: both 5's
(I will take French, English, and calc AB my senior year; my school doesn't allow APs before Jr year)
SAT: 2160
Math: 680 Writing: 720 Reading: 760
Extra Curriculars:
Choir, A Capella group, dance, campus ministry, city youth advisory committee, VP of Jewish club
I also babysit </p>
<p>As for my college list, my reaches are Cornell, Georgetown, Barnard, and MAYBE Notre Dame but I'm not sure if I'll apply or not to ND</p>
<p>Target schools: Trinity Connecticut, University of Rochester, American University (DC), UC San Diego</p>
<p>Safeties: University of Portland, Santa Clara University, & (maybe) St. Olaf College</p>
<p>Do these categories seem right with my stats? Any other recs for schools Thanks in advance!</p>
<p>Frankly, that list looks pretty good to me! As long as your safeties are secured for you financially as well and as long as you actually would like to attend all of the colleges on your list, I’d say it’s pretty solid!</p>
<p>Yeah I agree, its definitely a solid list, only thing is you might want to cut at least 1 school because in my opinion you shouldn’t apply to over 10. 10 is good though. </p>
<p>It’s a solid list in terms of selectivity, but how sensitive is money? Since you have high stats, you might consider adding a school that is an automatic full-ride financial safety.</p>
<p>I like the list, but a safety has to be something you would absolutely be able to afford. Are you sure your family can afford can afford yours? have you run the net price calculators and talked to your parents about the Expected Family Contribution at the safety schools?</p>
<p>yeah I know I’m currently in the process of whittling it down
I think I’ll leave my ND app for last and apply to it if my time frame allows me to</p>
<p>Thank you so much to everyone for responding, I truly appreciate it. As for the financials, I am fortunate enough to have family that have been saving every penny for my college fund so I have a rather flexible budget which I am incredibly thankful for.</p>
<p>I am feeling a lot less nervous about the whole app process now that I’ve had my list ‘verified’ in a sense, so that you all for reducing my worries :D</p>