Penn State branch campuses run about $13 k for tuition. Penn State main and Pitt main about $17 k. PASSHE schools about $10 k. Which public school in PA is $18,500 for tuition alone?
Also in PA you can have an EFC of up to $12 k and can still qualify for a state grant I believe.
If you had a summer job earning $3000, a state grant of $2000 and your junior direct loan of $7500 that would add up to $12500
Contact the school and find out if they participate in the program where you can get scholarships for your last two years of college, in return for working in cyber security for the federal government for two years
You might have to go to school every other semester and work when you need to replenish your funds. Or, you could look for a school with a good co-op program. Most students can earn enough on the co-ops to pay for the next term.
@anb1337 Did you take a look at West Chester University, another instate public approx. 30 minutes south of Philly? Depending on your location, it may be within commuting range. The campus is very nice and West Chester is a cute small town. WCU is a popular choice for students in my area. SEPTA has bus service to WCU.
Although WCU does not have IT as major, they do offer some good alternatives: majors in Computer Science, Mathematics with Computational concentration, Business Management, Finance, which could be paired with minors in Web Technology and Applications, Information Technology, and Business Geographic Information Systems, and Applied Statistics.
Total Costs In State:
Full-Time: $21,409.70, Includes Room and board
Commuter: $9,461.56
WCU recommends applying by June 1st for fall semester, but it does not seem to be a firm requirement.
So Temple is the only school in commuting distance?
Does one of the Penn State branches near you offer a 4yr computing degree? Penn State Abington?
Also if you got into Pitt or Penn State and that “Scholarship for Service” program, you could pay for your housing and meals possibly with state grant and student loan since the scholarship should cover tuition.
Actually I would go to Pitt, has a good CS program and coop program.
Hi everyone. I appreciate all of your feedback and I’m looking into everything you’ve all suggested. You’ve all been so wonderful and helpful. Thank you very much.
I just want to mention that you do not have to major in “Cyber security” to work in the field. Breadth of IT knowledge and the ability to program are valued. You can enter the field from many directions. You can major in CS or IT or computer networking, pass certifications, join Internet groups, etc. Build yourself a Linux laptop, install Nmap and other tools and hack away.