thank you all for your suggestions.
@momofsenior1 I have taken the SAT once but was unhappy with my scores, so I am taking it again this Saturday.
@TS0104 Not all the Juniors are eligible, but yes, most are. the only credits we need for the classical diploma-28 credits ( versus advanced classical-32 credits) is 2 English ( because we are required to take 2 English classes a year) and a history. So the school will be giving us credit for the two English classes and 1 history we took in 8th grade ( my school is K -12) The only people not eligible are those who have not been here the whole time, and the international students have a slightly different diploma they have to get, so those who have been there for at least 2 years will be able to receive it. Also, for the international or the others who are not quite able to graduate early, some of the teachers have stepped up saying they would be willing to teach a course over the summer for them to receive a diploma.
@cptofthehouse Luckily for me, I have a large college savings account and will not have to worry about how to pay for college. And I have done some college search, I have a list of colleges I plan to apply to.
many of my friends have also said this would be good material for the essay.
@milgymfam I actually meant to put this on the list in my original post. I was already considering homeschool dual enrollment before they told us about early graduation. Right now, I think I like this option the best so I can still go to a four year as a freshman.
@SuperSenior19 I have looked at other private schools, most of the other ones near me are either too religious for me or the one that isn’t religious is double the price of my current school and quite snobby, id rather saves the money.
My parents are very against sending me to public school, my local one is known for drugs, a lot of teen pregnancy and many fights. My town is also known for having a heroin problem. I know that I could avoid most of this for the year I would be there, but my parents would rather I didn’t go there.
Classes I have taken so far
9th grade
math: geometry
language: Spanish 2 , latin 2
science: biology
history:world history
english: grammar/comp 9, world lit 9
elective: intro to Greek
10th grade
math: algebra 2
Language: Spanish 3 , latin 3
science: chemistry
history: APUSH
english: grammar/comp 10 , American lit 10
elective: studio art
11th grade
math: pre-cal,
language: latin 4,
science: DE environmental,
history: DE U.S gov.
english: AP Lang, lit 11
elective: yearbook, Computor programming