<p>Was doing some musing today and thought this would fit on CC.</p>
<p>I am now almost done with 3/4 of my college career, and College Park has, in my opinion, changed for the worse.</p>
<p>When I was an incoming freshman, I could proudly post on these boards that College Park was no crap town, despite some students' assertions to the contrary. It had everything you needed+an independent book store, an independent coffee shop, a bar with live music, and a place to buy used CDs and video games. </p>
<p>Three years later, the independent book shop has closed down for lack of business, the coffee shop because of legal problems, the used CD and video games u-hauled to a nearby city, and the bar with live music has gone downhill (higher covers, open only sporadically - recently the Diamondback ran an article about how it was involved in legal troubles and may shut its doors forever). The Varsity Grille, a quieter bar with trivia nights and jam bands, opened - then closed. A few great independently owned restaurants also opened their doors only to shut down merely months later, but then, the restaurant business is tough, I guess. There is still a vacant store front for one and something pretty crappy has replaced the other, which I imagine won't last long.</p>
<p>Over-priced high-rise housing for students has shot up everywhere, big towering apartment complexes at $900 bucks a room. That's right, a 2 br apartment for $1800. OUCH.</p>
<p>What made CP a true college town and not just a collection of a lot of food and desserts (hey, it still has that, at least), namely its independent businesses - especially the coffee and book shop - seem to be there one second, gone the next. Sure, driving up and down route 1 might yield another cool coffee shop a few miles south, and certainly there's a used CD store a mile North. But well, it's just not like it used to be.</p>
<p>I can't say the town of College Park should deter anyone from attending MD, oh, I'm not quite there yet...if it doesn't have what you need, there's a thriving bus system and a metro stop, anyway. But I can no longer say it "measures up"............CP still has its hidden treasures, but what I thought was a town on the upswing has turned out to just be a town on the....swing.</p>
<p>Maybe the next batch of incoming freshmen will have a whole slew of their own (new) favorite independent book shops, coffee shops, and used CD stores...</p>