November 2010 - International Math

<p>Here is what I have.</p>

<p>find the quantity of two-digit numbers of which the sum of digits = product of digits = 4
ONLY ONE NUMBER, 22 so the answer is ONE</p>

<p>Rectangle: perimeter 38</p>

<p>First odd digit Second even digit
0 is even; therefore answer is 25</p>

list of five numbers and if 85 and 87 were to be added ONLY the arithmetic mean and the median changes</p>

<p>ticks with equal spaces = 0.6 or 3/5 (grid in)</p>

<p>unshaded region vs. shaded region = the pizza with 1/5 of the circle shaded</p>

<p>If -1<x<0 then="" which="" of="" the="" following="" must="" be="" true?="" i="" x="">-1
II x + 1 > 0
III x^2>1
only I and II</x<0></p>

<p>the triangle with weird bisectors cutting through had x = 55 degrees</p>

<p>the two similar triangles had combined base with the length of 36</p>

<p>a parallel set of lines + a circle in between the lines = 20</p>

<p>hotel: 100 because 291-81 = 210 and 210/3 = 70 and 30 + 70 = 100</p>

<p>wooden blocks: the fourth(?) level was 70</p>

80 ppl answered the poll and 15% of 80 is 12
if a person was pulled out randomly then the probability is 15 %
Apples, oranges, bananas, grapes
Books = 19.98 because
1 book from A = 5.99
3 books from B (grouped) = 10
1 book from B = 3.99</p>

<p>Therefore total = 19.98</p>

<p>Parabola with x=-3 or x=2 as solution --> the sum of b and c of ax^2 + bx + c was -10</p>

<p>(36,16) could have been a solution for which sqrt x + sqrt y = 10</p>

<p>table, desk, chairs --> 25 tables; total of 195 pieces of furniture
f(4) = f(6) —> slope is 0
22 people, 10 cars in a roller coaster maximum number of adults?
16 adults 6children</p>

<p>I think there are about 6 more but god, am I so tired...
I guess I will upload more answers.</p>

<p>why +30 on the hotel?</p>

<p>edit: and btw: how did you memorize all this? lol i was braindead for 2 days after taking the test…</p>

<p>for the hotel question, there were 210 dollars for hotel expenses in TOTAL. that’s spread over three days so it’s 70/day. and there was base expense… sth like that. that was another 30 bucks. so the total was 100.</p>

<p>i have eidetic memory.
i have been hyperaware during the entire exam.</p>

<p>base expense? ugh sucks. i think i got below a 700 on math this time >:(!
uhh, i remember i omitted the last math question on some section.
do you remember one question where you had to solve something algebraically?</p>

<p>idk the exact term used in the test was not base expense… but i think it might have been food as well. Anyway the question was asking for the TOTAL expense for WEDNESDAY, so you have to add the hotel + base expense (a term which i will temporarily use to refer until it is corrected)</p>

<p>Sakata, are you sure the one about f(4) = f(6) —> slope is 0? I put 0, but I want to make sure that one is right.</p>

<p>Guys …the one with ab^2c^3 and asks which has to be positive for the above to be positive…the answer was ac but any chance this was on the experimental?</p>

<p>^^ slope is 0 cuz dy is 0. slope in linear equation is simple: dy/dx.
^ If ab^2*c^3 then ac>0. I don’t know which was math dummy. I had a maths experimental as well.</p>

<p>gosh i think i chose ac^2.</p>

<p>anyone know whats -4 for math. i’m not having a good feeling about this</p>

<p>that would be around 700 ish?
not sure</p>

<p>Yea i remember the hotel question…it had a table and you could fill it in…</p>

<p>Hey guys, I also collected some of the questions and put them in the SAT format. I don’t know if this is ok, cuz I am aware that Mods may catch me, but we share answers here anyway; so PM me w/ ur email and I will send you one mathematics section if you’d like. (although the order of the questions and answer choices are pretty much messed up)</p>

<p>bump bump bump</p>