NSLI-y 2021-2022

They just sent an email saying they would go virtual this year. Only some those who are in Chinese (Taiwan) or Korean (Korea) programs may be placed in in-person programs so that sucks :frowning:

Was this for summer programs? My son who is an all year semi-finalist has did not revive it.

Well, that’s the end of that then. Guess I’ll apply next year. And yes, this was just the summer programs. What a disappointment.

yes, this is for summer programs, I am not sure about AY programs.

Is there any information about how the virtual summer program participants are going to be selected? Are they going to reassess semi finalist applications, or are they just going to transfer the finalists over to the virtual program, as if that’s what they had applied for in the first place?

“Placement will be determined by a number of factors, including but not limited to finalists’ language level, visa/special entry permit age requirements, and host institution requirements. Placement assignments are final.”
this is what they said

i have no insider info but i would assume priorities would be 16+ years because visa/passport rules are more laxed, hs junior and seniors cuz last years in progra, and people w little language knowledge

Chinese finalist for Taiwan just came out I believe !

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Summer or AY?

yep! mandarin summer is out

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i haven’t gotten anything oh no

same uh oh

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if we havent gotten anything does it mean we were rejected?

i have no idea. i hope it doesn’t!

Typically NSLI-Y will roll out acceptances out in batches (by program) and rejections will come out at the very end

Were the notifications for the summer finalists going to Taiwan only or for the summer Virtual Mandarin Program as well?

I believe they were just for in person Taiwan and alternates for in person Taiwan. The alternates for in person were also notified they would were accepted for virtual. It seems students who are being accepted only as finalists into the virtual program were not notified.

Hi guys, I’m a NSLI-Y Hindi summer semifinalist. Does anyone know when acceptances/finalists for Hindi will be released? Thanks so much!

Unfortunately, I’m pretty sure no one knows for sure. The process this year is nothing like it has been in the past. In 2020, Summer Hindi Finalists were notified March 6th. Hopefully any day now but I’m thinking they are prioritizing Chinese and Korean since some of those kids might still get to travel. Best of luck to you!