NSR profile (URGENT)

<p>Today is the last day to send your NSR profiles for the yearbook. Can someone clear up some confusion on this for me? By the site's FAQ, I take it that only seniors graduating have their pictures in the yearbook but for some reason they want me to send my picture even though I am a freshman.</p>

<p>EDIT: Besides the yearbook itself, is the NSR profile free? If not, how much does it cost to get your picture as a freshman in the yearbook?</p>

<p>I spent about 3 minutes just looking at their website and this is what I got:
yearbook != NSR book, they are separate things.</p>

<p>By filling out the free form you get your name(only seniors get photo) in yearbook, and photo+profile in NSR book(only for new students, so space for all photos). You have to pay for a book though.</p>

<p>Thanks. I ended up not doing it.</p>