Hi, I am a current undergrad at Northeastern and I participated in the nu in spring 2018 to Greece. I would like to start out by saying that the fall and spring program are completely different. For starters, the fall kids take pass/fail classes, or at least the Greece kids did, which makes the experience awesome as they are able to travel and party and enjoy life as much as they want while putting minimal effort into school. For the spring, it is not pass/fail and every class counts towards your gpa, which left me always stressed out and my friends and I had a very difficult time finding the balance between school and exploring the world and having fun.
For the Spring, we only had a little less than three months abroad, so that way we would not be required to obtain visas (this may be different for places such as England or if they make you obtain a visa for the fall). This meant that I would be taking college classes (difficult labs) within a shorter time frame than the rest of Northeastern, basically classes moved very quickly and it was extremely difficult to miss a few days of class and be able to catch up. Now again, this may be different for the fall, it just depends on the length of the program.
The experience of going abroad itself was amazing. I was nervous about leaving my new roommates back in Boston after only one semester, but I enjoyed being in Europe and loved the freedom and friends that I made. So if you’re worried about studying abroad so early in college, don’t. It’s an amazing experience.
For the fall, they have a lot of students and lots of different places available to choose from, so I imagine you would have some options available for classes. This would most likely mean you have bio and chem classes offered and maybe a math class and then nu path/general electives. So in terms of classes, this is a good opportunity to fulfill your basic electives.
In terms of missing clubs and frats and whatnot, I would say that you don’t miss much. Yes, you miss rush week and such, but you are always welcome to join clubs whenever you get back in the spring, you don’t just have to join in the fall. For athletics, it’s a bit different and I passed up playing softball until I would be on campus for the full year, but there will be more opportunities to join clubs and frats and whatnot in the spring.
Now, while you are abroad, you will have to complete housing, meaning you will most likely try to room with those in the program with you, but It may be difficult in the spring to get housing together. I can not speak on this as I was not in this situation, but I had an nu in fall kid replace me when I left, so basically there will be vacancies for housing and you’ll fill those spots when you come back, meaning the chances of rooming together with your friends is probably slim and you will most likely be placed with other freshmen, or even upperclassmen if there’s an empty bed. This is a good chance that allows you to expand your bubble and meet other kids who have been in Boston since September, but you still keep your own friends.
I would say that if you can afford it, do nu in fall. If you are offered nu in spring, be very careful about your decision as I regret mine in regards to classes and messing up my school schedule.