Number of Eagle Scouts Year by Year?

<p>Hi, everyone, </p>

<p>Asking the same question over on a Brand X online discussion board, I learned some figures </p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a> </p>

<p>about how many Eagle scouts there have been in some recent years. Are there more recent numbers anywhere on line? Or do you know the most recent numbers from some printed source? I just reviewed a lot of earlier CC threads on Eagle rank in scouting as an EC. Different parents report different results: I'm wondering what's the most selective college you personally know of an Eagle scout from the last few years getting into. </p>

<p>tokenadult </p>

<p>(third-generation scout, son of an Eagle scout who went to what is now regarded as a regional LAC)</p>

I'm wondering what's the most selective college you personally know of an Eagle scout from the last few years getting into.

Taken alone, this information isn't all that useful, I would guess. You'd have no idea whether the applicant would have had a great chance of getting in even if he (she? do girls do that?) wasn't an eagle scout.</p>

<p>Oh, I can count on regular CC participants to fill in all the other details too. BTW, the equivalent of Eagle scout for Girl Scouts is Gold Award, I think.</p>

<p>First off, I would consider the US Scouting Service Project to be an authoritative source for any information they publish. They are good, careful, knowledgeable folks.</p>

<p>From the Website of BSA (<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>2000: 40,029
2001: 43,665
2002: 49,328
2003: 49,151
2004: 50,377
2005: 49,895</p>

<p>Tokenadult - yes the equivilant of the Eagle is the Girl Scout Gold Award. My daughter has it. I sometimes get the feeling it is not as widely recognized as the Eagle award though.</p>

yes the equivilant of the Eagle is the Girl Scout Gold Award. My daughter has it. I sometimes get the feeling it is not as widely recognized as the Eagle award though.


Both of my daughters earned their Gold awards also. I agree that it's not as well known as the Eagle (taking nothing away from the Eagle). Part of it may be because they used a 'generic' name like 'Gold Award' for it rather than something distinct like the 'Eagle'.</p>

<p>I agree that it's awfully hard to say that it's the Eagle or Gold award that would tip the acceptance. My son definately went for his Eagle because he thought it would help him with his applications but who knows if that's what got him in. My daughter, otoh, was in Girl Scouts for ten years and was not interested in getting her Gold award and got into all the colleges she applied to anyway.</p>

<p>That is a good point about the name Gold Award being rather generic. My daughter has a couple of other awards (volunteer work etc) that are also 'Gold Awards'. I know at her school they like to brag on the kids in the weekly newsletter and made a big deal of a boy getting his Eagle but did not mention her getting her Girl Scout Gold. Luckily she does not care about the 'getting bragged on' aspect of life. Mom does a little bit though ;)</p>

<p>My s. is a jewish eagle scout. When he met his freshman yr roommate-- guess what-- so is he! How rare is that (especially for a college that is only about 10% jewish). Now granted, his college works very hard to pair up roommates, so I know this is no coincidence, but still.... We used to joke that he won second place in a national jewish eagle scouts scholarship competition because there must have been 2 of them applying for it :)</p>

<p>The Girl Scout Gold Award has had several different names over the years. That hasn't helped. If you say a boy is an Eagle Scout, everybody knows immediately what that means. The equivalent female is not a Gold Girl Scout, she is a Girl Scout that has earned the Girl Scout Gold Award. It is much more lengthy and it doesn't roll off the tongue as easily.</p>

<p>I do think my D's Gold Award did help her get picked to multiple selective programs which in turn helped her in her college apps.</p>

<p>At my daughters HS: Dartmouth, U Penn, West Point and University of Washington Computer Science as a freshman. </p>

<p>Being an Eagle Scout is considered one of the ultimate tiebreakers in life. I think colleges see leadership when they see it on applications.</p>

<p>When D was considering Naval academy (or maybe it was her Naval Academy Summer seminar - NASS - application) we did notice that both Eagle and GS Gold were asked about on the app. Might have helped her get into the NASS - no way of knowing really.</p>

<p>The only problem with earning an Eagle Scout rank is that you can never do anything wong in the future without the Eagle thing being remebered, as in newspaper articles that always say:</p>

<p>"A former Eagle scout was arrested yesterday for armed robbery...."</p>

<p>You're right, coureur. Th byline probably sounds better than "a former slacker who spent his spare time skateboarding and playing video games"....</p>

<p>Actually, you can never be a "former Eagle Scout." Once an Eagle Scout, always an Eagle Scout!</p>

<p>Same thing for Marines. You never see a headline, "Army veteran robs liquore store and kills three people in an auto accident." Unless of course the Army veteran served in Vietnam...</p>

<p>When we visited the Naval Academy for their merit badge weekend program three years ago they told the Scouts that one out of four Midshipmen had earned their Eagle Scout or Gold Awards.</p>

<p>My two sons are Eagle scouts and my daughter just got her Gold award. D and I have been visiting campuses lately, and we always ask something subtle to see if the admissions person knows what the Gold award means. They do.</p>

<p>I have two nephews who are Eagle Scouts. The oldest had a very troubled hs experience (drinking/pot/car accidents), though he's extremely bright and has the most caring parents I know. He is currently a freshman at a not-great state school, and was rejected by the flagship school (UConn). I'm not sure he'd have gotten into the school he's at without the Eagle Scout award.</p>

<p>His younger brother, who was awarded just last week, has a very specific major in mind and applied only to a well-regarded but not top-tier OOS public. I'll fall off this chair if he's not accepted (strong GPA/SAT for this school as well as other ECs).</p>

<p>I'm married to an Eagle Scout! We always say that he skipped the "reverent" but got a double dose of "thrifty." ;)</p>

<p>Even though the Gold Award is not well known by the general public, it is well known in university admissions (or so I've been told by relatives working there.) My D is currently working on her Gold, and I'm the Troop Leader for another 3 girls who are also formulating service projects. I can't wait to see how my daughter's project comes out - she's not your sterotypical Girl Scout at all.....</p>



<p>Add altar boy as something that gets mentioned in the newspaper if you end up doing something egrigious.</p>