NURSING 2015!! Help!!

<p>I am going to be entering 12th grade in the fall and I need some help with college! I have been looking into Udel (in state), Villanova, UConn, UMass and Boston college. I would like to know anything on my current resume that could be changed/hurt me in the application process.
94/100 GPA
Top 15-25% in my class
Completed all my classes honors or AP (6 ap)
22 on act (YES I need to retake these but around what score should I be aiming for?)
President of my schools NHS chapter
Officer for community service program at my school
Mentor children at an elementary school
Volunteer 3 times a week at a local hospital
Volunteered over 100 hours in a daycare setting
Certified Health Rocks instructor (teaches children about healthy lifestyles)
Also in speech and debate, science Olympiad and 4 year varsity captain in a sport. </p>

<p>Your opinion about anything on here would be really appreciated!! Thank you :)</p>

<p>The most competitive schools like to see people in the top 10% of the class, unless a high school is extremely competitive. It looks like your main weakness is your ACT score. I’d add some less competitive colleges to your list.</p>