<p>Hello! First of all, I want to start by saying that I am a senior in High School getting ready to go to college soon. So I've been extensively researching different careers and majors. I also plan on going to medical school in order to become a neurologist (hopefully). So lately, I've narrowed down my majors to nursing and Biology. However, upon further research, I learned that Nursing is frowned down upon Medical School. I was pretty surprised considering that it's part of the medical professions. So my question is: what major is good enough for Medical Schools to consider you? And that major should be a major that is good enough to give me a good paying job in the case that I don't get Med School. Although Biology seems good, I know from reading other posts that it's not a major to consider getting a good job in if you can't get in. Can you please give me some tips on which major I should do? I'm not too picky on the majors aspect, as long as it can get me into Med School, I'm fine with it. Thanks! :)</p>