Nursing Chances at these schools!

<p>Please chance me for </p>

<p>BC, NYU, Georgetown, CSU Long Beach, UCI, UCLA, Case Western</p>

<p>I'm probably applying EA to BC </p>

<p>Im currently a junior and here are my current stats and "expected" stats</p>

GPA 9-11 (3.85/4.5)</p>

<p>SAT: 2300 (800 Math 800 WR 700 R)
SAT 2: 800 japanese 800 bio m 750 on math2..(thinking of retaking it)
AP: AP Euro (4), aiming for all 5's on bio apush calc ab</p>

<p>Academic Courses:
Eng 1H- A/A
Eng 2H- A/A
Eng 3H- A/A
Alg 2H- B/A
PreCalcH- B/B
Calc AB- A/A
BioH- A/A
ChemH- A/A
PhysicsH- A/A
Bio AP- B/A
Biomedical Science- A/A
Intro to World His H- A/A
AP Euro- B/A
Spanish 2- A/A
Spanish 3- A/A
Spanish 4H- A/A</p>

<p>Senior year: AP chem, AP lit, calc bc, ap art history, Ap gov/econ</p>

<p>Total Honors: 10
Total Ap (including senior yr): 10</p>

<p>Extra Curricular: hospital volunteering (10-11) homeless shelter (9-12) research at a local university(12), summer premed program (11), marching band (9-11)
Work: at a local restaurant/ tutoring
Awards: no major awards...... Just 3 president's volunteer awards</p>

<p>Any tips on improving my stats/ ec's?</p>

<p>Georgetown admissions overall are very unpredictable, even for students with very high stats. Georgetown is actually much more difficult for admissions than it would first appear from the admittance rate, because they make it hard to apply.</p>

<p>I’d add a couple more schools to your list where you could expect a large amount of merit aid.</p>

<p>Hi: I would think that you had a very good chance at those schools based on your stats. I would suggest maybe do some shadowing this summer if possible. It will be helpful with your essays. My daughters stats were similar and she got into BC, Georgetown and Case as well as several other schools. She is currently at her second year at Penn.</p>