nursing epidemiology

<p>so I'm a rising sophomore in the BSN program at UDel.
I've written a few research papers on vaccinations in the past and just recently its hit me that this is a subject that I actually am really interested in. (Well more like in the middle of a 15 page paper on international vaccination policies and the return of preventable diseases...) So I decided to look a bit more into the field of epidemiology... (BTW I'm really into public health. It probably has something to do with 5 years of model UN and my chairing of the World Health Organization this year...)
By the looks of it, after your BSN, they want you to do a few years of experience (preferably in some public health type place) and then a masters in public health with a concentration in some form of epidemiology (environmental/occupational/etc). I would definitely wanna go into environmental
Then there's the EIS officer training (by the CDC) down in Atlanta which is like a 2 yr commitment after the masters degree.</p>

<p>Wow sounding a lot like medical school haha.</p>

<p>So my question is, does anyone have any experience/know of anyone thats pursued nursing epidemiology? Just looking for some advice :) thanks!</p>