Nursing Major and Dance Minor?

<p>Would that be a bad idea? Will it affect my performance in nursing? I love to dance so I was thinking of a minor in dance. But since nursing is very demanding..would it be a good idea? Please Help!</p>

<p>as long as you love it :slight_smile: if anything, my grades would be worse without dancing because I would probably be sitting in a mental hospital right now without it…</p>

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<p>Many Nursing curriculums at direct entry BSN programs are pretty lock step with little free elective time. If you were to formally minor in dance I suspect that at many schools you would probably have to take some courses during winter/summer sessions if you wanted to complete college in 4 years. I can suggest an alternative. My DD (nursing major) also loved dance and was involved with dance studios/companies from early grammer school thru HS. At college she identifed local dance studios around her college and took some classes throughout college at her own pace which would fit into her very busy schedule. It was a great way to relax and she feels it did actually help her to study better. Just some food for thought. Best wishes to you.</p>