Nursing major jobs

With a nursing degree, what career tracks can you pursue besides becoming an RN? Would it be odd for a nurse to apply to med school or pa school? Could a nurse apply to law school?

My kid’s friends in some cases picked PA program instead of nursing or vice versa. I have met some hospital nurses who were applying to med school.

The prerequisites are different for med and PA school. You need more chemistry (full year of gen and orgo and a semester of biochem) and possibly different bio (depends on the nursing program). You’ll want both calc and stats. However, sure nurses can and do become PAs and MDs. But if you don’t want to be an RN, why nursing?

You can major in anything and apply to law school - I had a friend with a bachelor’s degree in opera performance who went to law school. But, nursing school is too hard to do if your heart isn’t in it.

Thank you for your help! I do want to be an RN. I am very passionate about nursing but I also want to keep my options open so that I don’t specialize too early when I’m not fully sure of what I’m capable of or what I truly enjoy.

Thank you for your response! While at nursing school (if I get in), I know my heart will definitely be in it because I will want to be a nurse right off the bat. I just want to further my education and explore more career tracks after (if) I become a nurse!! :slight_smile:

The neat thing about nursing is you can specialize within nursing fairly easily. Once you go through clinicals, which ideally should expose you to different areas, you can decide what you want to focus on. For example, right now my daughter wants to work in pediatric oncology but of course that could change in the next year or so. Most new grads work on a hospital floor first, and go from there. Most post-bacc nursing specialties will require some real-world experience, anyway.

A growing option for BSNs is to obtain an APRN. In most states they can practice independently. Most work in family practice settings. Several years of school/clinicals post BSN but opens up even more practice opportunities. Midwives, for example, are APRNs. Surgical is a common specialty for APRNs.

There are a number of opportunities for nurses in the corporate and consulting sides of healthcare.
-Many pharma/biotech/med device companies hire nurses in jobs such as patient education, medical science liaison, clinical trial design and management, safety and regulatory.
-Health insurance companies hire nurses in many staff roles, including case/care management, policy creation, and coverage decision making.
-Consulting firms that count the above type companies as clients also hire nurses…an MBA could be helpful for some of these jobs.

Yes to all of them! You just will have to take prerequisites or certification course for the specific program you’re interested in. Nursing is great jump start to lots of fields, you’ll definitely have options! I’ve worked with nurses who went back for all you listed and many other fields as well like pharm/equipment sales, research, IT, education from kid schools up to college or diabetes educator. There’s just so many to choose