Nursing or Biology?

<p>I was initially going to major in biology, but now I'm beginning to wonder if nursing is a better choice. I love the life sciences, but I can't imagine myself doing research for the rest of my life. I love to help people, so maybe nursing would be a better option for me. A career in nursing would also allow me to apply basic physiology and anatomy skills, which are two of my favorite branches of biology. As good as it sounds, I'm still torn in between these two.</p>

<p>Some other majors that interests me are psychology, anthropology, and environmental science/earth science.</p>

<p> look like you already decided since you mention
all the GOOD points about nursing and nothing about biology...</p>

<p>But can you name some other benefits besides researching if you get into bio?</p>

<p>Sorry if my post was a little vague.</p>


<p>Careers in nursing and biology are going to be pretty different- it’s tough to weigh them against each other. I’m not a biology major, but I imagine grad school is probably going to be necessary to find decent employment. The pre-med kids are biology majors at my university. Whether you would end up in research probably depends on a lot of factors. </p>

<p>You don’t have to limit yourself to biology or nursing. If you are interested in both, you could major in nursing and have a biology minor, or do a double major. I am a double major in nursing/psych because I plan to work as a psychiatric nurse. The psych degree is optional, but I want to learn as much as I can in both areas. I have a few other reasons for going this route.</p>

<p>My best advice to you is to look at the course lists for the majors you are interested in. You might be surprised to find that some majors have very appealing (and others very unappealing) classes. Talk to professors, they will be able to give you advice about the different choices that are available to you. They are usually glad to help, that’s what they do.</p>

<p>Since biology is a very broad area of science (genetics, taxonomy, botany, ecology, to name a few) it’s difficult to say exactly what you can do with a biology degree. It probably varies a whole lot.</p>

<p>well… first you need to know what kind of nursing you want to do, that would be helpful or if you like biology and anatomy why not look into being a doctor? or if you like CSI then you could have an exciting job that also uses biology, that is called biomedical forensic science.</p>

<p>Go into nursing! Like half my family are and they’re very happy :).</p>

<p>At my school the nursing major is generic. If you want to specialize, for example, in surgical nursing or pediatric nursing, you do that after graduation. You don’t necessarily need to specialize; an RN with a BSN is qualified for many different types of nursing jobs right out of college. This is how specialization generally comes about anyway, by getting a job in a specific area and deciding that’s where you want to stay. </p>

<p>Some people have specific goals in mind and others want to try out different areas of nursing before they commit to a specialty. Nursing is versatile in this way.</p>

<p>A double major would be very difficult as a nursing major. They pretty much load you up with classes for those two years, so you would end up spending extra time.</p>

<p>I would shadow a few nurses to see if you like the work. Many people only think of the good things about nursing. They forget that nursing also involves, whipping butts, blood, vomit, snooty doctors, other nurses with attitude problems, and odd hours. Good luck.</p>

<p>I’ve completed lower division bio and general ed at a community college. However, I did not get in as a bio major to the places I applied to (UCLA, UCSD, UCI). In hindsight, I should’ve applied to more places. I had a 3.4 GPA and now i’m taking nursing prereqs to transfer for a BSN. My passion is also in biology (specifically human anatomy) and though there are physiological science bio majors at the UC’s, they do seem particularly geared for research and narrowing study. I realized I too would love to be an excellent nurse and possibly teach after getting some professional experiences. I believe there is so much fulfillment in nursing and advancing knowledge specifically in patient care. I’m an EMT (ambulance worker) and my work makes me want to know way more than I need to as an EMT. I have patient care experience and it is one of those things that just gets better with the more knowledge you have. Biology is directly related and you can form your own path of studies that marries bio and nursing, the further along you get in nursing. Especially if you pursue a graduate degree or maintain contacts with nursing research instructors wherever you go for nursing. It’s not black and white, your interests are entwined in the same direction. Go for nursing! Email any nurses you know and find out what they did for school, check out the Board of Nursing website, and attend some nursing school info sessions. I think if you’re like me, you’ll LOVE the curriculum.</p>



<p>Nope, only that you have greater understanding of biology. If your end career is in nursing then pursue nursing. Don’t bother with a double major. You might eff up your gpa. Study bio only if you plan to go to grad school, professional school, or really love the subject.</p>

<p>Another area you might consider if you love Anatomy and Physiology is Physical therapy. I believe the schooling takes a long time but those PTs who continue to specialize in various areas of PT and really learn the nitty gritty of biomechanics along with alternative techniques ie triggerpoint therapy love it.</p>