Nursing or medical school?

<p>What are the pros and cons of becoming a doctor (emphasis on dermatologists or physicians) vs becoming a nursing anesthetists? Is becoming a NA as competitive as medical school? Doctors do get paid more, but they also have to pay for malpractice so how does that affect income after all cuts? Job security? Less school for nurses, but will the 2+ years of medical and then residency be worth it?</p>

<p>(Yes, I do have a passion for helping people. I would just like to choose between these two.)</p>

<p>Student doctor dot net
All nurses dot com</p>

<p>Very helpful websites where these questions have been addressed before!</p>

<p>If you become a nurse, you get to enjoy your 20s. If you become a MD, you have much higher income in your 30s and beyond, but much longer hours. </p>

<p>As a nurse, you also get to save many patients from the doctor’s mistakes.</p>

<p>Keep in mind that a high percentage of pre-meds never make it into any med school.</p>

<p>Also, because cosmetic dermatology has become so lucrative, dermatology is one of the harder residencies to get accepted into. After getting into med school, you will have to interview and apply to get into a residency program. Dermatology and Orthopedics (sports medicine) are the hardest to get into.</p>