Nursing Program

Hi, I’m currently a senior in high school and have applied to Binghamton’s nursing program. My application was sent early action I was wondering if anyone had any info regarding acceptances to the Nursing Program so far this year. I know it is one of their most competitive programs and I applied with a 104 weighted GPA, 96 unweighted, 1850 SAT (1240 two-part), along with many extracurricular activities including different clubs, varsity sports and honor societies. If anyone has any idea of my chances at acceptance that would be great to know, thank you!

My daughter applied to nursing as well with similar gpa, 1980 SAT, three honor societies, varsity and a lot of volunteering… You’re right, it’s very competitive, I kind of expect this will be one of the last ones we hear from. She was just accepted at Penn State two days ago, but I haven’t seen any Binghamton decisions roll out yet.