NURSING STUDENTS: Which nursing school do you go to and why did you choose it?

Hi, I’m on the search to find a good nursing school. For all you current/past nursing students, which school did you end up selecting and why?

How do you like the nursing program at your college? Was it hard to get into? How are the classes?
Do you dorm with other nursing students? How big is the nursing program at your school? Were you given scholarships?
Do you like being a nursing student and why?

I would greatly appreciate it if any nursing students would answer! Thank you :slight_smile:

-A future nursing student

I chose to go to the University of Michigan Nursing School because I live close to it and the academics are top notch. I love the nursing program at my college. It’s a direct admit; you start clinicals Freshmen year and the program is relatively small - about 150 students. I was not given scholarships and I do love being a nursing student because I want to be able to make a difference in people’s lives, to try and make others healthier, and to promote a healthy lifestyle.

Hi! I’m a senior in high school, but I’ll be attending UC Irvine this fall. I chose UCI because they have a direct entry nursing program. It’s a highly competitive program (3.5% acceptance rate this past year) and has only around 50 students. UCI is a research university, so if you’re planning on going to grad school, it would be a great option. Another thing I like about UCI is the location… You just can’t beat southern California! The weather is amazing, and the opportunities for networking are endless. You CAN dorm with other nursing students. but I’m choosing not to. My scholarships all came from local organizations and I also received a small grant from the university. If you want to learn more about the program and classes you’d have to take, their website has it all :slight_smile:

good luck with everything!

Quinnipiac school of nursing is top notch. An amazing program, beautiful campus and a new medical school, Frank Netter medical school. The program is competitive and requires a 3.0 to continue and to graduate. However the professors are always helpful and want to see you succeed. If you go for help,or to the learning center you should do well with a lot of studying. It’s one of the top ten programs in the northeast I love it!!!

I chose Quinnipiac School of Nursing! It is an excellent program that was rated top in the nation. The professors are very caring and really know what they are talking about. Everyone wants you to succeed and a lot is offered to make you the best nurse you can be. Quinnipiac produces top notch nurses and is proud of the men and women who have graduated from the school of nursing. The campus itself is beautiful and the school has a lot of spirit. I love my school very much and hope you will consider QU!

I transferred, but both my old school and my new school have top notch nursing programs.

UMass Amherst has the benefit of a low tuition (in-state). There are only about 100 nursing students in each class, which means you get a lot of individualized attention. NCLEX pass rates were in the high eighties, and the program is very selective.

I transferred to Northeastern, and I love it here. I chose it here because you get to do both clinical and co-op in Boston hospitals (which are the best in the world). NCLEX pass rate was 98% in 2013, and 91% in 2014-right after they switched around the test. Classes are relatively small, and there’s a lot of campus pride. It’s a really innovative school and very different than the atmosphere on most college campuses-you get a taste of what real life is like while you’re on co-op. It’s wonderful.

@dessie411 do you mind sharing why you transferred out of UMass?

No problem! For me, it was the size and location. UMass is very much in the middle of no where-Amherst is a college town, which means there’s not much you can do if you want to get away from campus/college kids for a while. UMass is also substantially bigger than Northeastern (there are about 10,000 more students at UMass-it always felt crowded to me). Classes at Northeastern are, in general, smaller-my smallest class here is 13 people, while my smallest class at UMass was 150.

Plus the clinicals and co-ops in Boston can’t be beat.

@dessie411 Thanks so much! I honestly felt the same way when I was looking at UMass Amherst. And I actually chose Northeastern over it! :slight_smile: