NW vs Tufts vs Wash U... with a twist

<p>Northwestern vs Tufts vs WashU</p>

<p>other information... i am originally from the east coast and love that region of the country. i have little experience with chicago, but liked evanston and the university in general</p>

<p>i live in st. louis. 2 blocks from Wash U. so its a whole lot less attractive as i want to get away from home. HOWEVER. i have the employee tuition benefit, so the cost comparison for me as a difference of about 70-80k in savings if i go to wash u. my family is affluent, but economic times... as you know have everyone down. my college fund has lost a considerable amount of money. so its not a necessity that i go to a cheaper school, but a convenience. </p>

<p>how would some of you make this decision? Thanks!</p>

<p>what do you want to major in?</p>

<p>well… i think ill be on premed track with at least a minor (if not a major) in music. also have international relations interest</p>

<p>Go to Washu. I know it sucks living so close to home, but it is one of the best places for pre med and you are going there for a very reduced price.</p>

<p>thanks country day (MICDS im assuming)
anyone else? the region plays a big role in my decision, and i have strong desire to move away from st. louis, but not enough to not apply at all to Wash U. How heavily should i be weighing the costs against preference?</p>

<p>Yes, I am a member of the MICDS Rams community.</p>

<p>Where do you go?</p>

<p>Clayton High</p>

<p>Yeah that would make sense since you live two block from Washu.</p>

<p>Go to Washington University, it is sooo much better than NYU or Tufts, and you go there for free!</p>

<p>I’ll send you a message with information about all 3 schools. You’ll see that WashU is the better choice!</p>

<p>Tufts has a top ten international relations program in the country and wash u and northwestern do not even come close.</p>

<p>If you really want to major in music… Northwestern might be the best option. When I was there, I was told by staff and assured by students that Northwestern is one of the easiest schools to double major in music and something else in the country. A huge number of music majors double major… I want to say like 60 or 70 percent.</p>

<p>Personally, If I were you, I would go to WashU. Simply because it has a great premed program and it is affordable.</p>

<p>I’d also consider Northwestern for its really good premed and music programs. I would consider Tufts too for its strong premed program and for the fact that the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy (among the top ranked graduate schools for IR) is located on site on the undergraduate campus.</p>

<p>Research Johns Hopkins. It has a top notch premed program and terrific undergraduate academics in international relations (Hopkins SAIS graduate program is among the best for terminal masters programs in international relations public policy). The Peabody Institute<a href=“an%20academic%20division%20of%20Johns%20Hopkins”>/u</a> offers a good education in music that is on par with other great names such as Curtis, Eastman, Indiana, Oberlin, Juilliard, New England Conservatory, MSM etc…, and all those other top-notch music conservatories.</p>

<p>Go to WashU, and have more than a year of med school paid. Or take a year off before med school and travel around the world. Or do three years of volunteer public health work in Africa. Or travel wherever you like every break of your four years.</p>

<p>As a SLUH student, and a member of the St. Louis area, I know what you mean by wanting to leave St. Louis. I personally would NEVER want to goto Wash U, I have lived in St. Louis all my life, and while its a nice place, I want to move somewhere different and definatly would not want to goto school in the city. Good luck on your choice, but if money is really a consideration Wash U wouldn’t be THAT bad :P</p>

<p>Yeah especially since Washu is such a good school. But it’s only 4 more years in STL.</p>

<p>well that’s a decision you have to make…</p>

<p>money vs. moving </p>

<p>also, if your going premed you might as well stay…</p>

<p>although it is 4 more years of STL …</p>

<p>Sorry quick question for all you natives: Is it St. Lou-is or St. Loui-ee? (sound-wise)</p>

<p>St. Lou-IS</p>


<p>Ummm…that was posted in response to country day…</p>

<p>I think that how you feel about the college, and the peers you would be interacting with at the college, are important only if you don’t see nearly $80,000 in savings as the primary driving factor in this decision. </p>

<p>Is fit at the college itself, not your feelings about the regional location or suburban St. Louis, your main concern? </p>

<p>If your family is affluent and tells you to decide based on non-financial considerations, then choose where you’d like to be for four years and which college has the best environmental fit. They are all superb academically.</p>

<p>But I agree with Mini. We grizzled adults know that **four years goes by in the blink of an eye **. You will have a great education and a full private college experience at WUSTL and get it at an almost $80,000 savings. Use that for the next step, medical or grad school, or travel every summer or attend the summer programs at places like Harvard or Oxford… you’ll have options. </p>

<p>Only you and your parents can narrow down which deserves more weight in the decision — fit (the desire to go to college out of STL) or finances (considerable cost savings to spend elsewhere) but since you’re seeking advice, I’d say save the money and go to WUSTL.</p>