I kept my maiden name as a 2nd middle name – or so I thought.
After marriage, my new SS card indicated FirstName, MiddleInitial, MaidenName, SpouseName. I liked my last name; it was part of me, but I also wanted to become a new social unit, and it was more common in the dark ages to change the bride’s last name. I used only SpouseName as my last.
Many years after marriage, the IRS sent a letter saying my taxes must reflect my full last name: MaidenName and SpouseName. Ok, Whatever. So from then on, my last name became a dual last name with no hyphen, at least for tax and related financial documents. The last name on my professional license and most other official documents remained only SpouseName.
Until TSA shenanigans. When I applied for my passport renewal, for some reason it was returned with dual last name, no hyphen.
So then my driver’s license and passport did not match. Driver’s license still included MaidenName as a middle name. Last name was SpouseName (only).
Then came enhanced driver’s license. I was finally able to convince DMV I was one and the same person, and they begrudgingly added MaidenName to SpouseName on the new license (no hyphen).
It has been a lengthy process to make sure all documents are updated. What a mess. I left my professional license alone. Airlines sometimes use only one last name on the boarding pass (even though I reserve using both last names to match my travel documents). Health Insurance forms have both last names, but MD offices often seek and file only under one of them. I need to explain at nearly every visit, how to find my file.
Several years ago, when filing my taxes, the accountant filed with only SpouseName as my last name. I explained that the IRS would not accept that, and it needed to have the full last name. She said the electronic IRS forms would not allow a dual last name!!!
DD decided to keep her original name after marriage.