One young couple I know, chose to keep their individual last names. They have two children, and each child was given one of their last names. Just by luck, the child with his last name looks like the mom, and the child with her last name looks like the dad. Genealogy research is going to be so much more difficult in the future!
I know a couple who did this also. Boy got mom’s last name and girl got dad’s.
I know a woman named Rochelle who married a guy whose last name is Rochelle. Yep she took his name. Those who remember the Seinfeld episode have a good time with that one.
I don’t understand what the big deal is about last names. If somebody wants to take their husband’s last name when they get married, why is that a problem? And if somebody wants to keep their surname, what’s the big deal about that?
Just do whatever works for you and your partner and ignore all of the clucking hens out there in the media.
The media is just reporting on a trend and the in’s and out’s of it. This is not a media issue but a societal/logistics one!
And families. Some people/families think taking a partner’s name is the ONLY way. Tradition. That it is an honor or whatever. Or for the kids.
D1 who is getting married in April shared this weekend that she is leaning towards keeping her name. Her fiance is fully for it. Have to admit, I like it too (though my opinion shouldn’t matter and whatever she decides is fine).
Nothing to say she can’t change her mind somewhere down the road. They live together now and life works pretty fine in terms of paying the bills etc. so don’t really know that a marriage license has to change that.
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