NY Times article speaks about UA Honors


Great mention of the UA Honors College, but I do wish that UA would clarify that UA has had an Honors Program for quite a while. I was in it before it was a College, so I should know! I believe it began in the mid 80s. I loved those classes. Great experience for me.

^^^ You could drop a note to the editor.

Permalink to the article here: http://nyti.ms/1KXy7SO

I wish Bruni had clarified that Ronald Nelson was admitted to UA’s elite University Fellows program, that his professional parents were expected to pay a not insignificant amount at each of those Ivies, that he had siblings his parents would have to pay to educate in the future, and that his goal in life was to attend medical school. That would have addressed much of the criticism Nelson received in the comments section of the column. Nonetheless, it was a great article. Roll Tide!

Thanks for pointing out those facts, LucieTheLakie!