any updates tho?

@harsh582 nope

I also heard that the admissions office is not reviewing bs/do applications anymore, it is going to straight to the bs/do directors. Does this mean it is going to be much harder/ more strict to get in?

@harsh582 I’m not sure. Based on what I heard, I thought that the admissions office reviews your interview first and then the bs/do directors directors. So I think the application goes through both. I do not know if it is going to be harder though.

@medgirl2020 do you mind sharing your stats? Just to see how other people are applying.

@harsh582 sure.
ACT- 35
SAT- 1500
SAT Math II - 800
SAT Chem- 780
AP Chem- 4
AP Physics 1 - 4
AP Calc AB - 5
AP Lang - 4

Do y mind sharing you stats as well?

For everyone who applied, could you possibly share your high school academic stats and ex’s? I’m a junior interested in applying to NYIT for BS/DO and I just want to know if I even have a chance of getting in. Thanks!

SAT: 1500
ACT: 34
GPA: 3.9
SAT 2 MATH 2: 800
SAT 2 BIO: 780
SAT 2 CHEM: 750

I emailed NYIT and they said they are releasing scores very soon by postal mail. Did anyone else get any other updates?

Nothing yet sadly. Will they update our status on the applicant dashboard, before sending the letter?

Anybody try to log into their portal, the site seems to be down or 404

@ninjindinh I logged in. The site works for me.

We just checked the admitted student portal and we are in .

@newmmdd the site states that you are into the program?

@newmmdd My NYIT Portal looks the same

@medgirl2020 Mine looks the same as well, no updates.

Google “NYIT admitted student portal “ and use the same login .

Yes, I have been admitted as well!

I got in too for B.S, it doesn’t specify anything about B.S./D.O. How about you guys?

It states very clear BS/DO