NYU 2025 - ED2 Applicants

YES! let’s perform her entire discography. we will sing, dance, and put our paws up

You will for sure get in and I’m manifesting it for you!! You totally deserve it

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i applied to meyers too but still have spring 2021 what are your stats

Omg yesssss, we need to wear the wigs and outfits too!!! I know you will get in cause if you stan lady gaga then obviously NYU is going to want us

wait can i join

even tho im a barb ill join

YUHHHH this will garantee a spot at NYU no doubt

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yassss barbz x gaga= the baby of god

what are yalls stats

doesn’t matter cuz im amazing

Good luck tmrw guys!


i did

GPA: 3.95 unweighted/4.4 weighted
5 APs, 6 honors classes
Essays were good, one was allegorical, relating pancakes to quality life and understanding that as I grew up, the other was on a presentation I gave about NYU that helped me understand it was my dream school
LOR from an author/NYU alumni and genocide survivor, my English teacher; another from my world history AP teacher who is a Brown alumni
ECs: started a website on social justice
President of national honors society
Treasurer of ASL honors society
Concertmaster of my honors band
Tutor for special education kids
Started two clubs
100+ community service hours
Research project with NYU professor

Demographics: First year African American/ Latina; broke gang

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one thing that I like about NYU is that they look beyond the numbers of an applicant

i beg to differ

how many people do you think they will accept this year

im not sure

I recently went through the entire EDI megathread, and apparently DC means rejection or deferral. That is sad given that I have DC. We will know for sure tomorrow, but it really does not matter if we are accepted or rejected. We will end up, where we need to end up! Good luck tomorrow

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good luck!

When will the results come out