NYU 2025 - ED2 Applicants

yes please

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no problem :slight_smile:

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Good luck ED2 applicants!!!


Alright bois and girls, all the best. In about 8 hours we will know where our life takes us. For some it will be in the way we like while for others god has something better planned. Do not let this one rejection destroy you. In fact if u dont make it use it as a motivator to tell NYU that u dont need them. That they need you. Make it your mission to prove that you can be the best you without NYU.

May God Bless us all


When is the exact time of the decision?

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everything will be alright.
everything will be bright, aye aye.

Listen to your heart and never lose the fight,
try to listen to the god and be always be light, aye aye

cheers to the ones who will get in
toast to the ones who wouldn’t
but these memories will always be forever and these memories will make us laugh and make us cry, oh ayyeee.

All the hustle you did will bring back fruitful result. Don’t worry.

According to many people on this thread, it’s 1 pm est for rejections and 3-4 pm est for acceptances.

yes. correct

Hey guys, I would appreciate it (as an RD applicant) if you can post your stats and decision if you are comfortable doing so! Manifesting acceptances for all of you, good luck!!!


Is this legit? How do we know?

Thank you. So are we supposed to check the portal first, or there would be an email once the decision is uploaded in the portal?

Based on what I saw on ED1 megathread, there were some people who did not get email yet but could see the result on the portal. So it seems they update portal first and then send emails.

Thanks! Best of luck, too

I’ve never heard 1pm rejections

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??? I thought most rejections came afterwards. That’s what many people who got accepted said. They said it was acceptances first, then rejections.

i think its the rejections first. The patter was such last time. Though not sure if its 1pm

yes i agree yanksgoat

I am ready to give up some hope rn. Go Illini (on Friday)