NYU Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

NYU First Year Application Information Update Request: it says "we look forward to sharing your final decision very soon.

Me too

why would they look forward to rejecting us…hmmm maybe we are the lucky ones lol


Where did you find this? Was it on the portal?

those two buttons on the right hand side of the portal. Click on NYU First Year Application Information Update Request. That is where it is. Then again, I have my two buttons still…and a lot of people dont right now.

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Ohh okay. Don’t lose hope yet! I’m sure it will be updated soon!

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This is so stressful. Why does NYU have to update our portals in waves :sob::sob:

I feel like they will end up releasing on the 31st.

was it an email

what was?

“we look forward to sharing your final decision soon”

I have two buttons, but when I click on Update Application Info - it tells me I can’t anymore but if I need to I can email them. (applied to STERN, international) Housing portal also looks the same, Summer + Spring with DC and NYC as options.

NYU First Year Application Information Update Request. Click on that button if you still have it. That is where I found it.


yeah me too

Where is the housing portal at?

login to your application status portal > top right corner says Login into NYU Home > Go to NYU Life> Housing forms

I only have the option to apply for spring and summer of 2021

but i still have two buttons, what does this mean

http ://www. strawpoll. me/42868250

Newest poll about stern email

probably that a decision hasn’t been made for you yet - just like me