NYU collaborative arts BFA vs Pace FTVC BFA

Daughter accepted and trying to decide between these 2 programs BFA collaborative arts and Pace BFA FTVC. The NYU program is newer and seems more broad based . I could be wrong . She’s int in acting for film /tv . Not sure how much focus it will be in the collaborative program . She would enjoy taking a dive into screenwriting , etc so this is what’s exciting just don’t see many alumni from this program . Not sure what they are doing now . She needs to be employable if we are paying nyu tuition

Paging @soozievt

This degree is not likely to land your kid a high paying job regardless of where she attends college…in my opinion. It takes a while to establish yourself, and entry level positions in the arts tend not to be very lucrative. There are exceptions, of course. But just an FYI, in my opinion.

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I don’t think anyone can tell you which program your daughter should pick. These programs are different in various ways. For example Pace’s FTVC program is focused on Acting for Film, TV, and Voiceover, as you know. NYU/Tisch’s Collaborative Arts program includes a diversity of experiences in a multi-disciplinary fashion. There is more leeway to develop a varied skill set, as well as initiate new works. The Tisch program would encompass what the Pace program covers, but goes beyond that and has more than one focus. There likely is more space for the student to craft their 4 year curriculum in the Tisch Collaborative Arts program than in Pace’s BFA in FTVC. Does your child care about the academic component of their college education, and if so, the challenge level of it? That aspect would differ between Pace and NYU as well.

These are just some considerations. Your daughter should closely examine the curriculum of each program, as well as the entire curriculum at each school for their 4 years and compare them to not only one another, but to her own personal preferences. Take notes on all aspects of each college option and list pros and cons of each. See which one more closely aligns with daughter’s college selection criteria.

Visit each school and program if possible. Talk to current students in each one, as well as faculty.

The fact that there are not a lot of alumni from Tisch’s Collaborative Arts program is only due to it being a newer offering, but I think it would be fair to look at the alumni of Tisch’s BFA Drama and Film programs.

Both Pace and NYU’s programs are very good and it truly is a matter of personal preference. No college can guarantee a job upon graduation. Both these colleges have networks that will help and also in both cases, your daughter will be in NYC and hopefully can build some connections there during those four years. One can’t judge a program by the job the student gets upon graduation. A career in the field takes time to build. Both programs will help your student get excellent training, experience, and an education.

I happen to be the parent of a Tisch BFA Drama graduate who is a working professional in NYC in the theater world. She has fully supported herself since graduating Tisch at age 20, entirely in her field. That said, she has a multi skill set and 3 simultaneous careers in her field. I notice that the Collaborative Arts major seems to emphasize a varied skill set. I observe that has been one aspect of my daughter’success, that she can do more than one thing as an artist.


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