NYU Deferred/Waitlisted 2025

I already decided that if I don’t get off the waitlist I’m just going to try and transfer in after a semester


yeah but they give 0 aid to transfers

It is generally looked down upon to transfer after only 1 sem and usually doesn’t work out. It is advised to wait 1 year


Like credits transferring and grades and the teaching philosophy of different schools are different so it’s really hard

@tafeer i have a really good feeling that u may get in for some reason


does this mean something?
Its sent to my nyu email ID
I just saw it

it is because you started the application for 2021 summer housing…that’s why you have the messages tab and it’s gonna spam you now with these messgaes

wait how do you have an nyu email already? also maybe it’s automated.

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also this is so random but idk if u guys know this girl called lily chee (1.5 mil followers) is goin to nyu lol but she’s going to gallatin


sheesh my sister watches her

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also you guys, i think they do look at waitlist forms. why would they make you take the time to fill it out if they are just going to make it go to ‘deaf ears.’ also, i put on my waitlist form ‘liberal studies’ as my second choice with other schools and i got into it. so, i think they def look at the forms!

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It’s because you started the form for summer housing and that’s why you are gonna get those messages. It’s not an indicator, that’s your own doing

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So like, I said before they look at the forms for interested major and schools to see if they have space there obv but not the locis. They look mainly for grades

Really? Why do you think I will get in? I hope I get in but idk

ur an all-rounder
1510 sat and those ECs arent things everyone can do.

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Yeah but I already got waitlisted for a reason even while being an “all rounder.” I added 3 more ecs on the form yesterday but when I asked if they would look at it on the form they said they don’t look at it

I volunteered at the mosque this year.
I volunteered at this company where I learned and taught Java to less fortunate kids this year.
I am the host of a Bengali tv show that hosts to thousands every week.

I really hope I get in and I really appreciate those words but we don’t know.


Like I added those 3 new ecs for this year and even I thought I would get in with my stats but reality is I’m on the waitlist just like y’all. We all in it together but hearing that from you really reassured me. Thanks

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Same i honestly thought i would get into most of the schools that i applied to but i got rejected/waitlisted. Probably cuz i wasn’t good enough but at the same time this year is so unusual that nothing’s predictable


Honestly, not to be cocky but I did thing I was good enough

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Haha same… like actualky not to be cocky tho

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