NYU Deferred/Waitlisted 2025

your friend was accepted off the waitlist today for fall 2021?

So is your thinking that they took the “less competitive” ( for lack of a better word) students off the waitlist now for the spring, then they will take the more competitive ones for the fall? My child got off the waitlist for the spring, wondering if he could have gotten in for the fall.

Most likely

I never said less competitive, but rather I said that they have too many competitive students they want to admit but they also want to keep their official class size small to keep the data in their view. Spring students and fall waitlist students are not in those statistics

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Today. Accepted. From. The. Waitlist

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lmao sorry. swear this is my last question. what school accepted them?

Likely, the fall admits have been all filled in most schools, that’s why you see spring only today. It seems yields at other schools are high too. CMU almost took no one from the waitlist and communicated very clearly yesterday. Purdue is overenrolled probably. We have to lower the expectation on waitlist movement.

Mostly liberal studies have been accepted today. And most of those accepted were spring admits. Bigger schools next week according to AO

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CMU and NYU are different schools. NYU doesn’t offer that much aid and the location drives up costs to around 100k without aid. Also with COVID a lot of people didn’t want to come to Nyc so I wouldn’t compare the two schools.

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Yield can’t be higher than normal at every school tho that’s mathematically impossible


They said Liberal Studies

Will he be committing to NYU or does he have other plans?

Accepted into liberal studies

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The top schools did not admit more students than last year although there were much larger application pools. As a result, the acceptance rates dropped dramatically. NYU sees 12.8% rate comparing to 15% last year. A similar or better yield than last year is possible.

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It’s different for every school, we can’t jump to conclusions just based on a general trend this year. While CMU, Dartmouth, and many LACs are not using the waitlist this year, other schools like Vanderbilt, Duke, UChicago, and Princeton have been taking people off the waitlist pretty early relative to other waitlists this year. Overall this year is still different compared to a normal year so we can’t predict accurately what will happen with the waitlist at X school.


oh hi my fellow hoe for gallatin

Looking at today’s results, most students are admitted to the major and term which they didn’t apply to. What would be the reason for them to be considered for the second choices? I would imagine the first choices have been filled, while NYU do want these students. That’s why they were offered spots today with the liberal study in spring. For those who haven’t heard back today, my son included, I think the waiting is over.

hey boo

right but those students also got into other schools. common app data showed that less kids applied to college but most people applied to more schools than normal and they can’t go to all of them. i think the nyu waitlist will move similarly to last year which still means the chance of getting off is minuscule

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speculate all you want but we dont know anything for sure and wont until NYU communicates with us about their plans for the waitlist.