NYU Precollege


The application for the NYU program became available two days ago and I had a few questions about the program for any of you who have done it.

  1. Does this help with actual application to the college later on?
  2. When do you find out if you are in the program? (the website says course registration opens on February 12, so will it be before that?)
  3. Is it worth doing?
  4. How competitive is the program?
  5. Any advice?

Hey! I went last year and

  1. It shows that you actually did something over the summer which was educational and over a month time so I believe it will help - especially applying to the college you went to precollege for.
  2. You find out 2-3 weeks later through email but last year I found out like 4 days later
  3. It is definitely worth doing!
  4. I do not believe it is competitive maybe a 90% or higher acceptance
  5. Have fun! Be yourself when you’re there and make a lot of friends and study hard! I’ll probably be going again this year so I may see you around(:


I’m an upcoming senior from LA and plan on attending the 6-week Summer@Stern program, has anyone attended the program in the past and have any thoughts or advices? Also if anyone in 2018 NYU Precollege would like to get in touch beforehand my IG’s @orc25, see yall there!