<p>Thanks so much, FauxNom! I do want to be a director, though. However, writing and directing are the two areas of film that I really want to get into. I enjoy doing cinematography and think I would find editing, producing, et cetera fun (I’d like to dabble in these sometime if I make it into the industry), but I think I could do without taking all the classes in them. Or I could even take a few classes in them, according to you, right?</p>
<p>Also, do you happen to know if those classes (any relating to production) are available to Screenwriting majors? That is the major I most want, but I do want to be able to take a variety of film classes if that’s possible.</p>
<p>Thanks again for any info, and a big congrats to your son in getting into SCA! :D</p>
<p>From another website for film students, it was suggested not to put on the USC application that you want to be director. I read that you will be an easy target for rejection.</p>
<p>It seems strange though, since USC will know what major you’re applying to, and people will usually talk about their majors in their short answer about their educational goals. So if someone was applying to Production and said they wanted to be a director, it seems like it would make sense…:-/</p>
<p>The best piece of advice is apply to 2 majors! I auditioned for the BFA Acting major (in the School of Theatre) but listed BA Theatre with Acting Emphasis as my second choice major. I was admitted into the latter and am actually far happier that I was seeing as everyone here hates the BFAs, they’re annoying.</p>
<p>columbia – Perhaps it was naive of him to do so, but my kid said he was interested in directing when he applied and was accepted – so not necessarily the kiss of death.</p>
<p>All of the film classes sound like a lot more fun than, say, calculus, but does anyone have any information on the job placement of program graduates?</p>
<p>Why don’t they like people who say they wanna be directors? I wrote my Part B Personal Statement about being interested in directing because they asked which area of film production you’re interested in. Does that mean I’ll get rejected? :|</p>
<p>I didn’t use to obsess over USC but it seems like the more I find out about it, the more I want to go here. It’s funny, cause I know a girl in the CLAS, and we’re nothing alike, so the idea that we’d both really enjoy the same college is kind of funny to me. </p>
<p>musicalstudent, you said you’re in the BA program? I’m not even bothering to apply for the BFA, but what’s the BA program like?</p>
<p>Please join the official USC Class of 2014 Group on facebook. You don’t have to be admitted to SC yet to join. There is all kind of useful information there!
This is the link:
[USC</a> Class of 2014 - Official | Facebook](<a href=“Facebook Public Group | Facebook”>Facebook Public Group | Facebook)</p>