October 2008 Score Thread

<p>It's finally up! What did everyone get?</p>

<p>I got a 30 Composite...yes!!</p>

<p>32 composite! I really wasn’t expecting that, since it’s my first time.</p>


<p>it’s always refreshing when you stay up late to see your score and only to find that you got the same score and wasted a saturday morning/friday night.</p>


<p>D moved up to a 35!! Well worth getting no sleep tonight.</p>

my reading went from 36 -----------------------------------> 25!!!

<p>ridiculous ridiculous</p>

<p>P.S. we are all officially freaks,
us who are somehow up when it is 4:32 AM eastern time and posting our scores online</p>

<p>****ing a</p>

<p>29 again!</p>

<p>oopsies! i sent it twice. sorry about that</p>

<p>English 33
Mathematics 34
Reading 31
Science 28
Composite 32</p>


<p>i’m done with the act!!!</p>

<p>E 36
M 36
R 36
S 35
Composite = 36!!!</p>

<p>Wow, I honestly never would have guessed. That Science section was HARD.</p>

<p>34…darnit, same score as my SAT (2260)</p>

<p>I didn’t study at all, just took it to see how it compared to my SAT. I actually forgot I had the ACT until like 11 pm the night before, and was up partying all that night lol.</p>

<p>E 28 :frowning:
M 18 (I thought I did a little better than that :frowning: )
R 33 (Fine)
S 24 (Higher than expected)
C 26</p>

<p>I suppose that’s better than nothing. Better than most kids, which is good enough. No studying, and my first time. I’m hoping I do better on the SAT.</p>

<p>English 36 (up from 25)
Math 34 (down from 36)
Reading 34 (up from 31)
Science 35 (up from 29)
Composite 35 (up from 30)</p>

<p>english36(up 1)
science17(down 12)</p>

<p>c 31(god darn science)</p>

<p>English 36
Math 35
Reading 34
Science 36 (how in the…)</p>

<p>Composite: 35
Gah, why did I have to get that math question wrong?</p>

<p>E 31
M 27
R 31
S 27</p>

<p>C 29
Whatever. I’m through with standardized testing. :&lt;/p>

<p>kneemoose, I empathize with you (although to a far lesser degree), and nickwasy, I envy you with a burning passion haha.</p>

<p>36 M
34 E
34 R
C 33</p>

<p>I hate life right now. And the science section.</p>

<p>34 Composite. I wrote it cold (never did a practice test) so overall I’m pretty happy. A 35 would have been nice.</p>