<p>These are the passages I remember from saturday.</p>
<p>1) African girl contemplating about visiting her village. And there was also a "short" double passage after the regular short passages that talked about history in the same section
2)something about the west
3) mrs flowers
4) music passage</p>
<p>I don't know if I'm mixing up sections or if I'm forgetting something but can someone tell me what the CR experimental was?</p>
<p>I also had the pesticide and crop passage</p>
<p>I had one about this kid named jimmy who was a TOTAL ******</p>
<p>like his dad built him a treehouse and he was like “whatever” and then he goes and plays in the treehouse and his dad is like “YAY JIMMY LOVES ME” and then jimmy is like dad what’s the password and the dad is like “please” and jimmy’s like no that’s not the password and then he throws pinecones at his dad and is like “my name’s james now b1tch”</p>
<p>I didn’t have that one lol but I’m sure I had reading experimental</p>
<p>Oh and I had the one about the bees lol. SOMEONE please help me out.</p>
<p>I think #1 maybe have been the experimental? Can’t remember
Did you have two short passages about writing sequels? I’m almost certain that was part of the experimental.</p>
<p>I don’t remember writing sequels but it there was something history related that one author showed the extremes of history writing/deiscovery…</p>
<p>number 1 was definitely experimental.</p>
<p>There were a couple problems where I was unsure of on that section.</p>
<p>yaa, I had the same thing. My experimental was my first section after my essay, and it was extremely difficult, and I thought I was going to do terrible after it. But then I went to the next section, which was the mirror of the one I had before, so I knew one of them was the experimental, and I was hoping so much it was the second one because it was so much easier, and luckily it was</p>
<p>That’s exactly what happened to me. The rest wasn’t that bad but mistakes add up quickly.</p>