OCW is amazing

<p>For those of you MIT applicants, and prospective future applicants that have yet to discover the benefits of MIT OpenCourseWare, make haste and go to Free</a> Online Course Materials | MIT OpenCourseWare. MIT's database of all their courses is simply brilliant. Check out courses like 8.01,7.012 and 3.910 with Professors Walter Lewin, Eric Lander and Donald Sadoway. Those lectures bring tears in my eyes when i compare them to my school's science program. As a prospective MIT applicant this year, I really take pride in the fact that MIT has taken such an initiative to put up the work of some of the best teachers in the world. I really recommend current underclassmen to look into OCW to get an idea of the kind of work that goes on at MIT. It's also a way better pastime than video games xD.</p>

<p>Have any of you guys taken any MIT OCW or other college's equivalents online?</p>

<p>What was your experience like?</p>

<p>ocw literally changed the course of my career. probably my life then.</p>

<p>it got me to see how cool applied and more hands-on stuff was. I thought the smart guys like Einstein did theoretical work and then the dumber ones did applied stuff. </p>

<p>I wish i could go back in time and slap myself silly for being that naive. </p>

<p>so yea. who knew you could use number theory for cryptography. gah, that still baffles me to this day.</p>

<p>I second that. OCW is like my second school. I’ve gone through some materials for Physics, Calc, and Econ (even after I took Econ, b/c I heart Econ).</p>

<p>My experience? They were helpful, but I wished the notes were more detailed. But heck. They were free and open to the public. I’m not complaining.</p>

<p>I love that basically all the intro courses have video lectures! I particularly love Walter Lewin! He is amazing! I’ve been watching 8.01 and 8.02 lectures, and they are really well done! I have done mechanics already twice in my life, but have been solidifying some concepts with the 8.01 lectures.</p>

<p>OCW is a great great concept. I love it!</p>

<p>yea, prof. Lewin is pretty funny. I think a lot of the teachers at tech schools have a quirky sense of humor which is just…XD. good times.</p>

<p>You seem to find humor in sciences a lot, especially in computing because it is so new. I always loved that the unit of conductivity is the mho and the symbol is an upside down ohm :D</p>

<p>i wish those lecture videos would have CLOSED CAPTIONED!!! or otherwise, I couldn’t enjoy OCW…</p>

<p>A lot of them do have captions…? I know the physics ones on youtube do. You just need to click CC in the bottom right corner of the player.</p>

<p>^^O, really? thanks!</p>

<p>I <3 Open Course Ware!</p>

<p>OCW was probably what drew me to MIT before I really knew much about it. I found that before at the start of the whole college application process and thought it was amazing that a school would do that… then looked at the school more in depth and fell in love. LOL.</p>

<p>i LOVE MIT for ocw. it really shows a lot about the school.</p>

<p>OCW is on the top list of my favorites. I love ocw so badly, that I’m scared I’ll start using it even when I can’t get into MIT :D.</p>

<p>Anyway, Walter Levin is really good at emphasizing concepts, but I definitely liked better 8.02 than 8.01. I also find the 18.03 Differential calc prof to be pretty funny, because of his inner quirkiness I guess.</p>

<p>Do you guys know if where I can watch 18.02 (multivariate calc) and 8.012/8.022 (the more advanced physics intro classes?)</p>

<p>That would help me so much. Thanks.</p>

<p>Some people might procrastinate by spending time on Facebook. I procrastinate by spending time with OCW. :p</p>

<p>Ya 8.02 is obviously a lot more interesting and cool than 8.01. I am just re-watching 8.01 to make sure i have a really strong foundation for the AP test/Frosh year</p>

<p>I dont think 18.02 and the 8.012/8.022 have video lectures?</p>

<p>I loved OCW, it was the reason I even began to care about MIT in the first place.</p>

<p>I’ve followed 6.01, and I listened to the lectures to 9.00, and one on copyright, and another on media study. I love it. I sometimes find myself waisting too much time there.</p>

<p>wildchartermage - the transcripts for a lot of popular lectures are also available on OCW.</p>

<p>I really like MIT’S OCW and the OCW movement in general.
I have yet to go through an entire class though, I just pick and choose what lecture I’d like to watch when I have the time, and all of them are really great.</p>

<p>the intro to psych or cognitive sciences ones is also pretty amazing. funny and interesting lectures done by professor jeremy wolfe. :slight_smile: <33</p>

<p>18.02 video lectures by Denis Auroux. Personally, I really liked his style when I took 18.02 this past fall.</p>

<p>[MIT</a> OpenCourseWare | Mathematics | 18.02 Multivariable Calculus, Fall 2007 | Home](<a href=“http://ocw.mit.edu/OcwWeb/Mathematics/18-02Fall-2007/CourseHome/index.htm]MIT”>http://ocw.mit.edu/OcwWeb/Mathematics/18-02Fall-2007/CourseHome/index.htm)</p>