<p>So my school (Western Michigan UNiversity) calculates the GPA on the 4.0 scale but they get rid of the +/- scale and do it a little differently.</p>
<p>4.0 = A
3.5 = BA
3 = B
2.5 = CB
2.0 = C
1.5 = CD
1.0 = D
0 = F</p>
<p>It screws stuff up a little mostly b/c some of my classes i would be getting a A- on the normal scale - lets say i have a 90 in the class, but i actually only get a 3.5. so the GPA tends to be a little depreciated. I am trying to transfer to ND and i know they go on the A,A-,B+, etc. system. How do you think they would be going about with calculating my GPA? I emailed admin a week ago and have not heard back????? I Just want to get an idea of where i will stand. I have all BA and A in my classes so i am not worried - should stand above a 3.7 but curiosity more then anything. anyone know?</p>
<p>Yeah, a 3.5 for an A- is kind of low; at my school it’s a 3.7. Maybe see if your school can provide an explanation of your grading system to send along with your transcript? 3.7 isn’t a bad overall GPA anyway though. And they might recalculate it anyways, even without an explanation, if numerical grades go on your transcript and not letters. But I would provide an explanation, just to make sure.</p>
<p>that is what i kinda thought of doing. But as i am applying to ND, they asked for unofficial final grades to be emailed and there is no conversion for that on my schools website. I have emailed the Transfer Coordinator, but i have yet to hear back. So just wanted to see if anyone on CC has had any other experience with this.</p>
<p>well the 3.5 is not for an A- though…its for a BA, which comprises it looks like grades that would both be a B+ (3.3 or 3.33) and an A- (3.67 or 3.7)…i guess it kinda works out, but its definantly different</p>
<p>How low an A- is have a lot to do with how your grades are curved and how much the tests weigh. Let say in a school a 3.7 is an A-, but the average grades are curved to around 70%. But another school has 3.5 as A- but curved to 60%. Then it’s harder to get an A- even though all you need is 3.5. Also some schools makes it easier to get marks with homework and assignments.</p>
<p>well i have one class (organic Chem) where an A- or BA for me - would be a 79% all the rest of my classes are 91-89 a BA or A-. so idk. it’s all jacked up</p>