<p>Other than the co-ops, what is some other off-campus housing that is near UCB?</p>
<p>I'm assuming you're talking about privately owned residences (like apartment complexes), but I don't know much about that. But here's some alt. info if you haven't seen it before:</p>
<p>If you're an incoming freshmen, I highly recommend making use of private residence halls such as Telegraph Commons, Tau House, and Westminster House. I also recommend Gorrill House (<a href="http://www.g-house.com/fall_index.html)%5B/url%5D">http://www.g-house.com/fall_index.html)</a>. It's on the higher end of the budget.</p>
<p>Gorrill House is by Unit 2 near Dwight Way and Haste St.</p>
<p>I am curious, but has anyone heard of "Gaia"? Where is this place?</p>
<p>a little google search on "gaia building berkeley" turns up the following:</p>
<p><a href="http://www.hudsonmcdonald.com/projects/gaia.html%5B/url%5D">http://www.hudsonmcdonald.com/projects/gaia.html</a> </p>
<p>The last link mentions that it was named after the Gaia Bookstore, which was a very new age bookstore in North Berkeley near Saul's Restaurant.</p>
<p>Hmm... thanks. Good old google.</p>
<p>I think Westminster House is a Christian dorm, although they don't say that on their website.</p>
<p>Gaia is one of a number of high-end apartment buildings downtown, it's more expensive than most housing around that area.</p>
<p>I'm living in Gaia next semester. It's a nice place when I checked it out.</p>
<p>I currently live in Allston Lofts which is across the street from Gaia. Living in that area is real nice, it's right next to everything: BART, most AC Transit bus stops, BearTransit, food, downtown, etc.</p>
<p>Actually, CalX, if you visit Westminster House's website at <a href="http://www.westminsterhouse.org/%5B/url%5D">http://www.westminsterhouse.org/</a> it says on the front page: "In keeping with the Christian traditions of hospitality..."</p>
<p>And if you click the "About Westminster House" section, you'll find the following: "Westminster House, situated on the edge of the Berkeley campus, is ideally situated to serve as a Christian presence in one of the leading universities of our nation. Berkeley has an increasingly diverse, multi-racial, multi-cultural and multi-lingual student body and faculty, with students coming from over 100 foreign countries."</p>
<p>The symbol of Westminster House is the Rho and Chi letters, a traditional symnbol of Christianity (which is also on the website in the top left corner).</p>
<p>So contrary to the belief that Westminster House doesn't advertise their affiliation, the House actually acknowledges publically and repeatedly its dedication to their faith.</p>
<p>Also, I have several friends at Westminster who aren't Christian and don't have isssues with the residences' affiliation (though some other students may have problems with it).</p>
<p>Actually eiffel, the Westminster site that is officially linked to the UC Housing page, <a href="http://www.housing.berkeley.edu/livingatcal/alternative_housing.html%5B/url%5D">http://www.housing.berkeley.edu/livingatcal/alternative_housing.html</a></p>
<p><a href="http://www.westminsterhouse.net%5B/url%5D">http://www.westminsterhouse.net</a> </p>
<p>and that site doesn't even mention the fact that they're a Christian house:</p>
<p>"Established in 1910, and renovated in 2003, W-House focuses on community building, leadership development, and service. In addition, W-House aims to cultivate an atmosphere which promotes acceptance and understanding between individuals of varying faiths and world view backgrounds. If quality, convenient housing within a welcoming community is something you desire; W-House is definitely the place for you! "</p>
<p>That description makes it sound like a smaller I-House, which is a non-denominational dorm. The dot net site never mentions their evangelical Christian affiliation... <a href="http://www.westminsterhouse.net/about.htm%5B/url%5D">http://www.westminsterhouse.net/about.htm</a></p>
<p>My name is fallacious becuase I am atheist. Will I have trouble at Westminster?(just sent in application)</p>
<p>Young Buddhist: They do not discriminate on beliefs. My friend is living there and she's about as pious as the Whoopi Goldberg is Sister Act.</p>
<p>CalX: It appears there is an inconsistency between two affliated websites. </p>
<p>I highly encourage students to take a look at both .net and .org for more information to ensure they understand what they're getting into. Students who do not use the housing link, but access Westminster House directly will know about their religious affliation. Depending on how you access Westminster House will determine what you hear.</p>
<p>So the .net and .org are the same House?</p>
<p>Yes, same house, different message. </p>
<p>If the lifestyle in the WH is centered around their faith (which probably is the case), it might be a little constraining for someone who isn't Christian. Otherwise, it's a nice place in a great location.</p>