Off Campus Housing

I couldn’t really find any recent threads on off campus housing so i was wondering…where are the best places to stay off campus. Right now id prefer to be in something like a studio without a roommate, but depending on price, I’m wondering if a roommate something i will have to consider. I do know a few people going next year who I could possibly room with, but no one i’m close friends with. I am going to be a freshman next year, but dorming isn’t something I want to do, as it seems pretty expensive for such a small room with a roommate (and i know someone who had a pretty bad experience and got out as soon as they could) and I don’t think i’ll have any issues socially when i get there

Average rent for a studio seems to be 1200-1400, and if possible i’d like to find something closer to 1200 (or lower if possible)

Any help is greatly appreciated