Official Apush Quiz Thread

<p>OK, so it's time for APUSH late testing :D
im freakin out now.. APUSH seems endless to me..
so, let's quiz ourselves.</p>

<p>here comes the first question</p>

<p>Q: What do we call the MONEY fed gov gave out to the WW2 war veterans after the war? and how did it contribute to the social changes in 1950s..</p>


<p>look at 92's released test.
there were ~5 questions that were exactly the same as the regular AP test.</p>

<p>there are only so many ways to rearrange a question.
just study released tests and you'll do fine.</p>

<p>so don't freak out :D lol</p>

<p>Q: What was Nixon's proposal that eventually withdrew all US soldiers from Vietnam?</p>

<p>vietnamization! and the answer to my question was GI bill, it fostered the consumersim(housing) in the 50s. Oh and i already took the APUSH exam today.. it was freakin hard.</p>

<p>HARD? psh it was easy to me...based on the dbqs & frqs that are posted on ap central the dbq & frqs were much easier this time!!!</p>

<p>& how were u done w/ the ap test at 6:32 in the morning?</p>

<p>wow you suck lol.
i struggled with this test.</p>

<p>the essays for me were quite easy.
the MC was another story. lol</p>

<p>im an international student -- and you have to keep in mind that I TOOK DIFFERENT TEST THAN YOURS .. collegeboard always prepares different forms of test for in-states and internationals</p>

<p>yeah probably
since it's been more than 48 hours can we discuss frq's and dbq's?</p>