Official Cornell Class of 2019 Early Decision

<p>@manas1997‌ Which state do you live in? Because both a friend of mine and I got an interview for cornell engineering. It might just be our area though.</p>

<p>@fsharp all this does is make me feel worse knowing that i will get rejected wahhh :frowning: </p>

<p>@TodaysEinstein i live near toronto.
@Connor2019 whats AB and BC, we only have one calculus</p>

AP Calculus AB generally corresponds to one semester of calculus in college (Calculus I)
AP Calculus BC generally corresponds to two semesters of calculus in college (Calculus I + II) </p>

<p>@manas1997 it’s just 2 ap calculus courses. BC is a higher level. From my understanding BC covers a whole year of what’s typically done in college and AB covers a semester. I’m not completely sure about that part tho. </p>

<p>My dad is considering buying one. He has a Rolls, Alfa, Aston, and used to have Maseratis and Mercedes. I hope you guys get in!! </p>

<p>@Cornell19‌ @Kungpaoasian‌ how about if we all get accepted how about we become best friends</p>

<p>@rancherjolly98‌ by “note” I meant that it stated specifically what was missing under the Parent Tax Return section. My dad didn’t send in his employer issued W-2 initially so the description thing adjusted</p>

<p>If accepted to Cornell I can’t wait to make friends with all new fun interesting people like you guys!</p>

<p>@khagedorn96‌ considering getting what!?</p>

<p>Edit: I now have 102 posts and basically all of them have been in this thread. This is one of the reasons I love Cornell! All of the people are so easy to discuss with! @Kungpaoasian‌ and I went off about cars for like an hour earlier in this thread (sorry about like hijacking the thread haha)</p>

<p>@Kassra17 @Cornell19 Sounds like a plan :smiley: </p>

<p>@Cornell19‌ @Kungpaoasian‌ while we’re in the process of becoming best friends you should chance me at</p>

<p>@Kassra17‌ I think you have a great chance! Better than me for sure</p>

<p>@Cornell19‌ even if you get rejected you’ll still have nicer cars than I ever will</p>

<p>:-" </p>

<p>For those of you curious: there are 10 days, 18 hours, 34 mins, and 35 seconds until decisions come hahaha. too much?</p>

<p>@Cornell19 do you have that countdown page open? I’ve kept it open since it was posted lol </p>

<p>Can someone repost the countdown page link?</p>

<p>@BPearlman97‌ nah, I just downloaded an app on my phone then entered the date and time. Even changed the background to a pic i took while at Cornell</p>

<p>Oh ahah didn’t think to do that. In approx. 10 days this chat will be like 50% less active, thats depressing…</p>

<p>50%? More like 90%… There will probs be a new thread for stats, and all that will be left is the occasional “Can’t wait!” </p>