<p>Hi. This is for all those who will be up the whole night waiting for their SAT Scores on December 18/19. </p>
<p>Forums of similar nature, for the November SAT, have been extremely successiful. </p>
<p>Will anyone be up all night too?</p>
<p>Hi. This is for all those who will be up the whole night waiting for their SAT Scores on December 18/19. </p>
<p>Forums of similar nature, for the November SAT, have been extremely successiful. </p>
<p>Will anyone be up all night too?</p>
<p>Dude seriously... like life isn't about SAT's. The only reason I would pull all nighters is because of school assignments. Not for SAT. Staying up all night isn't health, won't change your score, and if you get sleep, you will find it easier to accept w/e score you got.</p>
<p>Staying up won't give it to you faster anyways.</p>
<p>^ True, hahaha</p>
<p>doesn't collegeboard not update till like 6? why stay up all night when you can sleep and wake up early?</p>
<p>ill be up till 2 AM, when i expect to get my score</p>
<p>So what time exactly are the scores supposed to come out? Last time I took them, I read online that it was 8am EST. Is it still the same?</p>
<p>Ha and this is the one time that I don't mind my 6 hour time difference from the east coast. No waking up early for me ;) Then again, I'd have to sit around nervously all afternoon until 2pm awaiting my score. I'm not sure which is worse, actually. haha</p>
<p>I'll just wake up a few minutes early so I have time to check before school.</p>
<p>Hehehe....I can have a good night's sleep and still get the scores as soon as they are released.</p>
<p>you'er atool honestly...either you do good or you do bad...why would you stay up to find out
its not end of the world</p>
<p>Sagar is telling me I don't have a life, but he's the one with over a thousand posts...</p>
<p>Freakin' butterflies !!!</p>
<p>IHATESAT, the reason he has over a thousand posts is because he has been on this forum longer than you. You are the one with more posts per day.</p>
<p>Lmao. I'll just wake up early on Monday.
Monday can either be a really happy day, and then I get my external hard drive as a congratulations gift later, or a sad day and then I get my external hard drive as a consolation prize later. I cross my fingers and hope it's the first.</p>
<p>honestly IHATESAT, I don't know what to say to you, have you not read any of my previous posts on your ridiculous threads? It is absurd to stay up tonight, first of all because it is just a TEST that has little significance nowadays with college admissions. Second of all, the scores will most likely not come out until 4am/5am. <em>sigh</em>, bro you got to get your act together.</p>
<p>let people do what they want. If they wish to stay up, I say go for it. If you really think it has little significance, don't even bother checking it, it doesn't matter. In the words of a wise man, be at home in the world....if that makes any sense, which it didn't....</p>
<p>IHATESAT: I'm not having a go at you, just trying to explain that staying up all night isn't a good idea. </p>
<p>But since you seem to enjoy making comparisons, I'll be happy to tell you that most of my posts are in the High School forums, mainly on threads for Summer opportunities, or in the MIT forum. And yes I am staying up all night, but not for SAT's(I'll check em sometime in the afternoon and I'm EST), but because I have a research paper that I have to submit tomorrow(to JSHS). </p>
<p>Have fun, what ever you choose to do.</p>
<p>December SAT I/II chatroom: dec3sat</p>
<p>From 1-5 AM and beyond. Good luck, everyone!</p>
<p>hahahha oh my gooood, when you wrote, "you've got to get your act together", I thought, for a second, you were talking about the a.c.t.... and taking it. hahahha, we are all so test-obsessed it's not even funny. I can't believe I'm staying up... mostly because I'm sick, but still. I'm an idiot.</p>
<p>This wait is killing me!...They've surely graded the tests then why don't they release them.</p>