***OFFICIAL***Decisions Thread 2010


<p>[ *] SAT Verbal: 590
[ *] SAT Math: 660
[ *] SAT Writing: 740
[ *] SAT Total: 1990
[ *] SAT II: None
[ *] ACT: None
[ *] AP/IB taken/scores: AP US History-3, AP World- 4, IB English HL, HOA HL, Math SL, Physics SL
[ *] GPA weighted: ?
[ *] GPA unweighted: 98.68
[ *] Rank or % estimate: 11th of 248</p>

<p>[ *] Essays: Solid
[ *] Teacher Recs: One Average, One Amazing
[ *] Counselor Rec: Great
[ *] Hook (if any): Big Legacy(both parents, grandfather, 5 uncles)(My family is originally from the VT area)</p>

<p>[ *] State or Country: Upstate NY
[ *] School Type: Public
[ *] Ethnicity: White
[ *] Gender: Male
[ *] Legacy Yes/No: Yes
[ *] Recruited Yes/No: No
[ *] Important ECs: Absolutely Stacked</p>

<p>[ b]General Comments/Congratulations/etc:[ /b] Congrats to all so far. If you haven’t heard yet, don’t worry. In the acceptance email they said they were doing their best to notify earlier than every. There seems to be a wave this week, but they also sadi there will be one about the first week of March as well as the normal about the last week of March. Best of luck to all! Go Hokies!</p>

Quick Stats:
SAT: 2230
GPA: 3.8 weighted, 9 APs by the end of high school: 4s/5s
Good personal statements, good counselor rec, great extracurriculars, in-state.
I’m excited although not positive I’m going. Good luck to everyone and GO HOKIES!</p>

<p>DS was accepted into Engineering</p>

<p>SAT Verbal: 700
SAT Math: 630
SAT Writing: 750
SAT Total: 2080</p>

<p>AP/IB taken/scores: US History (5); currently in Physics and Calculus
GPA weighted:3.9
GPA unweighted: ???
Rank or % estimate: around 20%</p>

<p>Essays: submitted 3, all pretty good
Hook (if any): lived overseas for many years</p>

<p>State: Texas
School Type: Public (very competitive district)
Ethnicity: White
Gender: Male
Legacy Yes/No: No
Recruited Yes/No: No
Important ECs: Band, band, band, band…</p>

<p>Congratulations to everyone whose been accepted!</p>


[<em>] SAT Verbal: 620
[</em>] SAT Math: 650
[<em>] SAT Writing: 580 i think ? i hatee the writing section.
[</em>] SAT Total: 1850
[<em>] SAT II: horrible.
[</em>] ACT: didn’t take
[<em>] AP/IB taken/scores: BC Calculus, US History, Physics, Statistics
[</em>] GPA weighted: school doesn’t weight
[<em>] GPA unweighted: 91
[</em>] Rank or % estimate: school doesn’t rank</p>

<p>[ /list][ b]Subjective:[ /b][ list]
[<em>] Essays: pretty good…
[</em>] Teacher Recs: didnt read
[<em>] Counselor Rec: didn’t read
[</em>] Hook (if any): </p>

<p>[ /list][ b]Location/Person:[ /b][ list]
[<em>] State or Country: maryland
[</em>] School Type: small, private
[<em>] Ethnicity: white
[</em>] Gender: female
[<em>] Legacy Yes/No: no
[</em>] Recruited Yes/No: no
[<em>] Important ECs: lotsss . yearbook editor, tennis, soccer, track&field, lacrosse, tech crew, community service, clubs, etc.
[</em>] Deferred Yes/No: no</p>

<p>[/ul]Other Factors:
female in engineering ? </p>

<p>General Comments/Congratulations/etc: congrats to everyone !:)</p>

<p>My son just received an email he was accepted but it does not say what he was accepted into. He applied for Architecture. I am curious when other people received their acceptance did it say what for in an email? It is not posted yet on the Virginia Tech site , we just received an email.</p>

<p>pha516 - I don’t recall that it said anything specific. My son applied for Engr. Maybe it will be more specific in the official letter.</p>

<p>Thanks Grcxx3. I will await the letter. I also sent an email back to admissions. Maybe they will let me know for sure.</p>

<p>I was also accepted and got the e-mail and its not on site yet, I only assume I was accepted for what I applied for. I’m not sure, but within a week I will know.</p>

<p>Hey, for those who have been accepted, when did you all apply?</p>

<p>I’m pretty anxious to get my response (one of my top choices) but I applied like 1/13.</p>

<p>**Decision: Accepted! **</p>

[<em>] SAT Verbal: 670
[</em>] SAT Math: 590
[<em>] SAT Writing: 670
[</em>] SAT Total: 1930
[<em>] SAT II:
[</em>] ACT: 31
[<em>] AP/IB taken/scores:
[</em>] GPA weighted: 3.8
[<em>] GPA unweighted: 3.3
[</em>] Rank or % estimate: top 15%ish</p>

[<em>] Essays: pretty great if i do say so myself
[</em>] Teacher Recs: none
[<em>] Counselor Rec: no idea
[</em>] Hook (if any): none</p>

[<em>] State or Country: SC
[</em>] School Type: Public
[<em>] Ethnicity: white
[</em>] Gender: female
[<em>] Legacy Yes/No: no
[</em>] Recruited Yes/No: no
[<em>] Important ECs: national spanish honor society, equestrian, student council
[</em>] Deferred Yes/No: no[/ul]</p>

<p>Accepted! However, I’d rather not list my stats. You can find them in one of my other posts, though.</p>

<p>i applied around 1/10 i think… (a few days before the deadline i remeber) and got the decision today… but i think they’re sending more decisions out next week and end of march</p>

<p>^^ Thank you. Bleh, I guess that wasn’t it…just have to wait… sooo impatient.</p>

<p>justaverage010, I applied back in mid-September…so I’ve been waiting a LONG time!!</p>

<p>Haha. I know. I really haven’t been waiting on VT that long, considering I only decided to apply in November. My friend who got in applied in September too so I figured that was what it was. The only thing is I’m going to VT this weekend (again) so it’d be nice to be in. But CONGRATS! :D</p>

<p>My son submitted his application Sept 30. So, it’s been a while!!!</p>

<p>I got the acceptance email, but on the “view application summary page” it doesn’t say admission offered, or indicate that there has been any activity at all. This is through the application status check. Is there somewhere else I should be looking for what you all are seeing?</p>

<p>you guys, do you know how much VT looks into internships in engineering fields and what not for engineering school? my GPA is just barely at their 25th percentile (SAT is way above 75% percentile tho). please answer this as this may make or break the decision.</p>


<p>My application was marked complete around 11/20/09.</p>

<p>I applied around thanksgiving</p>