***OFFICIAL***Decisions Thread 2010

<p>I got the acceptance e-mail, but website still has no update. Congrats to everyone else!
I submitted my app late January, so I am surprised I got an notification so early.</p>

<p>my son got accepted yesterday but the email did not say he was accepted for architecture which is the major he applied for. It did not list a major .I just called them and they said they are not allowed to give the major over the phone, he has to wait for the letter. The other people on here who found out they got into arch, did you find out in the email , on the website or did you have to wait for the letter? Thanks.</p>

<p>pha516 - My D2 is in the exact same boat as your son. She too, is hoping for architecture at VT. </p>

<p>Looking at the earlier acceptances for architecture, the stats of the accepted students appear to be “honors eligible” (i.e. SAT > 1350 CR/M and GPA > 3.7). The usual notification for acceptance for the honors eligible applicants is late in February, so those acceptances were the complete notification. That’s the way it worked for D1 two years ago. </p>

<p>The e-mails that your son and my D2 received appear to be heads-up alerts to expect a letter detailing their acceptances sometime next week.</p>

<p>Thanks QuietType. We were so excited to get the admittance yesterday I just hope it is for Architecture. I don’t know if at Virginia Tech they admit you for something other than what you applied for like they do at other schools or just as undecided? Your D1 is also at Vir Tech? Is she happy there? You are going to have a full house of Hokies!!!</p>

<p>pha516 - No, D1 decided in the end to go to Pitt, rather than her mom’s alma mater - VT. D2, on the other hand, really wants to go to VT, rather than Pitt. (Of course the fact that VT’s architecture program is so highly regarded might have something to do with that, rather than parental pressure. Pitt only has a very small pre-architecture BS program that D2 had no interest in.) It’s kind of funny, now that mom is facing the loss of her “baby,” she’s extolling the virtues of the much closer Pitt! </p>

<p>By the way, my understanding is that VT can admit you to the university in general, and still not admit you to the architecture major. D2’s still waiting for the letter itself before she celebrates.</p>

<p>I will keep my fingers crossed for your D2. That would be nice going to mom’s alma mater. I still have a younger one at home so this is my first college experience. It will be nice if he did get into Architecture at VT and we can finally narrow it down to this one, as this is the one school he always wanted. If he did get into the Arch program I think we will make a trip over spring break to see the school. Good luck . Maybe the kids will meet up there!</p>

<p>Thanks, pha516. Hope it goes well for your son as well.</p>

<p>I go to a VA HS and I expect about 30-40 people to enroll in Vtech. My question is how often will I come across these people that I know considering the size of the student body?</p>

<p>oneguy21, I think if you want to hang around your hs classmates, you can, but from what my s has found (and he went to a VA hs that sends about the same number as yours to VT) he occasionally sees many kids from his hs, but not too often. He liked the fact last year that if he needed to catch a ride home there were kids that live nearby that he could ask, but the student body is large enough that it doesn’t feel like an extension of hs. </p>

<p>QuietType and pha516, they must have changed some things with the arch school admits from a couple of years ago. Maybe it is a RD vs. ED thing, too. Our s found out he was into his major by looking at the VT Hokie SPA (I remember he had a pin number that he had to enter). He went ED rather than RD though.</p>

<p>Have you checked that site online? I hope both of your kids find out they are admitted there. It is a terrific program. I did hear of some kids from son’s hs that applied for engineering and were put in as university studies admits, but not as arch applicants. We’re all pulling for you! :)</p>

<p>Thanks KandKsmom . I did and keep checking the VT Hokie SPA and nothing is showing there yet. It is not even showing that my son was admitted even though he got the email that he was. I will keep checking .Hopefully the letter will come soon.</p>

<p>pha516, it will tell your son if he was admitted into architecture in the acceptance letter (that’s where my arch. acceptance was).</p>

<p>sports<em>guy</em>5 -thanks - we can’t wait for that letter!</p>

<p>KandKsmom - This early e-mail process at VT does appear to be new this year. I don’t think its unique to the Arch department though. I see some other kids saying they received an e-mail also, and they are mentioning different majors. What worries us is the competitive nature of the architecture acceptances. We were fairly certain that D2 had the statistics to be admitted to VT, the uncertainty is with the Arch acceptance.</p>

<p>Two years ago, at least for RD, my recollection was that there were only two release dates - one in late February for the honors eligible applicants and one in late March for the remainder. We got spoiled with D1, since she got her letter in February. This additional admittance date in early March, being announced by e-mail stating that a letter will follow in a week, and no indication on the website as to admittance is somewhat confusing. I’m not really complaining, since we figured we’d have to wait till the end of March to hear.</p>

<p>I wonder if VT is hoping to get the attention of kids with decent statistics who have likely been accepted at other schools earlier. D2 did get accepted into architecture at Penn State and Cincinnati already, and in all honesty has been thinking blue and white thoughts since November. VT has been her first choice all along, but waiting four months to hear about an acceptance, when she has already heard much earlier from some pretty good schools can cause some mind-shifting.</p>

<p>FYI, I was admitted but did not receive an email. Oh, and I celebrated a little prematurely - when I checked my application status and just saw “offered admission”, I assumed architecture.</p>

<p>Thankfully, the letter came the next day and said “for Architecture” (phew!)</p>

<p>QuietType, I can’t say that this “new” way is an improvement, but I expect you are right in saying that they are dangling the admittance hook into the water. The true bait though was the guarantee of getting into the program, (at least it was for us). Can’t understand why they just couldn’t send the email saying “check your application status on Hokie SPA” and then have the acceptance and program designation there. (That is what happened for our son)</p>

<p>I hear what you are saying about your D’s feelings shifting this way and that. Most of those seniors just want to make a decision and move on to enjoying the rest of their hs year. High school apps and college selection is way more stressful to this generation than it was to ours! Try to encourage her to not make a quick decision and to hang in there- I have a gut feeling she is into to the ARCH program if she was accepted. It is so hard for kids to transfer into that program that I don’t think they would defer her to university studies, they would just deny her admittance. Fingers crossed for you two! :)</p>

<p>QuietType - My son is similar. The waiting has been a bit annoying for him and definitely made him “cool” on VA Tech and Clemson.</p>

<p>He was accepted to Penn State before Xmas and is definitely leaning that way. Can’t really blame him as it has the exact program he wants (Architectural Engineering) and at the other schools (Purdue, Illioinois, VA Tech) he would have to do Civil and a minor in Arch. </p>

<p>Keeping fingers crossed for your daughter!</p>

<p>How are you guys on Hokie SPA? All I have is the VT Info System guest account. I got the acceptance email, but there is nothing on my application status that indicates this. Am I in the wrong place?</p>

<p>Mine is also the VT Info System guest account. I think I thought they were one and the same. Sorry.</p>

<p>can someone post the link to the status check please?</p>

<p>D’s admittance letter said she was admitted in University Studies but she thought she had applied to the Engineeering School. Anyone else in the same boat?</p>