***OFFICIAL***Decisions Thread 2010

<p>The issue with the transcript would only be valid if only his transcript was incorrect. If other students in his high school had theirs in the same format, and got in, then it might be kind of a moot point.
I do understand your concerns, and have seen similar odd stories with my son and his friends…unfortunately admissions is such a, well, crap shoot these days. Kids with perfect gpa’s and SAT scores aren’t getting into schools they thought they would surely get into. Other kids seem to be “worse” on paper who do get in. Hopefully those waitlisted or outright rejected, have choices that they can now visit with the intention of determining, “okay, what now?”</p>


<p>to hell w/ the format…</p>

<p>weighted GPA: 3.7
UW: 3.4?
8 AP’s
SAT: 690 CR 800 M 800 W
SAT2: 800 Mlvl2, 610 Lit, 650 Chemistry</p>

<p>I did an internship dealing with Systems Engineering over summer, I played tennis for 4 years, I did piano for 8 years, all that typical ****.</p>

<p>Indian, NOT first generation (EVERYBODY in my family has gone to a damn good college)</p>

<p>I’d like to take some space to flip a middle finger to UVA, whose engineering department will never match ours. They should just abolish theirs. IF u want engg in VA, you come here, and here only.</p>

<p>Go Tech!</p>

<p>Lol! ten char.</p>

<p>Rishmeister, I’m usually not one to be judgemental, esp on internet forums, but seriously, show a little class and represent your new school well.</p>

<p>IF the last part of your post was supposed to be in jest, I didn’t take it that way…</p>

<p>I am kind of with KandK. No need to say what you did about the format. You are excited, we get it, but you didn’t need to say the heck with it. As you noticed I didn’t do the format, but that is because the whole color thing makes me go insane.</p>

<p>You are now representing Tech, don’t do the slam talk, no need unless it is football or basketball :wink: . I felt it was in jest…kind of…because had UVA accepted you and Tech declined you would have said the opposite about Tech. I am incredibly proud to be a Hokies parent, and could not care about UVA WAHOOS since DD and DS never had a desire to go there. However, I respect UVA since it is number 2 in the nation by USNWR for public colleges only behind Berkeley. It is a great college and should be respected as that. Hate to say it, but a wgpa of 3.7 with that amt of APs was just not UVA level.</p>

<p>Then again that is why there is a rivalry now isn’t it? </p>

<p>I am glad you are so gung ho Tech. I must say in our part of VA, Tech is everywhere you go regarding car magnets and license plates. It seems like they have a huge amount of pride!</p>

<p>Must admit Bullet and I have officially joined it, took down our UMDCP flag yesterday and put up the Hokies flag! Of course Bullet and DS go/went to UMD so come the fall this house will be divided. I was accepted to VPI aka now TECH yrs ago (went somewhere else), so it will be the girls against the guys!</p>

<p>Now if only our finally child would pick a college with a good mascot. A turtle or a castrated turkey, gee they are so frightening! :eek:</p>

<p>Remember that Virginia Tech and UVA aren’t rivals academically. They’re actually non comparable:</p>

<p>VT: Liberal Arts, Business, Natural Resources, Engineering, Architecture, Agriculture, </p>

<p>UVA: Liberal Arts, Business, Engineering, Architecture</p>

<p>I mean yeah, they are some overlapping colleges, but in general the emphasis is more on engineering, technology/agriculture at Virginia Tech, UVA does more liberal arts and business. </p>

<p>UVA also definitely has their share of good engineering programs too and they’re still like 41st in the nation.</p>

<p>When Tech grads snob about the engineering program, you put yourself into the exact same category as that minority of Buffy’s and Thurston Howell’s at UVA that look down on us.</p>

<p>I’m kinda with Rishmeister… their enge dept blows. People at UVA say that the enge program weighs their school rank down. That’s like someone from UVA saying that our business school is **** compared to theirs… because again it’s true. no harm in pointing out facts. i.e. UVA people are ******s. again FACT</p>

<p>what he said is true and he IS representing tech well because hokies can smack talk UVA any day any time. he’s just getting a headstart.</p>

<p>btw, has anyone noticed that OOSers have been getting in relatively easy? Isn’t it supposed to be the other way around? My theory? Virginia Tech is trying to make some extra money trying to fund that ridiculously unneeded “basketball training facility” that they built last year when we don’t even have a 24/7 library</p>

<p>The basketball training facility comes from the athletic budget (donations specifically to the athletic program, etc.) so that has nothing to do with it. What DOES have something to do with it is that the state cuts the budget year after year which means VT has to get money from somewhere else. For example, OOS tuition. VA is getting what they’re willing to pay for.</p>

<p>Rishmeister: With your attitude, I see why UVA would not accept you.</p>

<p>My D got wait-listed from VTech. She applied to Engineering with a weighted 3.5, SAT 1360/1600 and 1970/2400, ACT 28 so I think she’s very much on the borderline compared to many others here with excellent record. I noticed earlier a posting of Denied for VT Engineering but not wait-listed, and there was 859 accepted from wait list in 2009. So questions for you all is 1) if she would have better chance of getting accepted if applied as General Studies, 2) instead of denied admission does and will VT actually offer admission as General Studies? and 3) would Engineering applicant be given better chance from wait list? Thanks. PS: We’re in Northern VA, Fairfax County.</p>

<p>**Decision: ACCEPTED! **</p>

[<em>] SAT Verbal: 590
[</em>] SAT Math: 670
[<em>] SAT Writing: 610
[</em>] SAT Total: 1260/1870
[<em>] SAT II: n/a
[</em>] ACT: 31
[<em>] AP/IB taken/scores: did not send
[</em>] GPA weighted: 4.2
[<em>] GPA unweighted: not sure
[</em>] Rank or % estimate: 4/309
[<em>] Essays: very short…but pretty good.
[</em>] Teacher Recs: pretty good.
[<em>] Counselor Rec: awesome.
[</em>] Hook (if any): —
[<em>] State or Country: VA
[</em>] School Type: public
[<em>] Ethnicity: african american
[</em>] Gender: female
[<em>] Legacy Yes/No: no
[</em>] Recruited Yes/No: for on-site admissions and for honors weekend
[<em>] Important ECs: senior class president, BETA, girls state, governor’s school, suffolk sister cities music exchange (european tour)
[</em>] Deferred Yes/No: nope</p>

<p>[/ul]Other Factors: —</p>

<p>General Comments/Congratulations/etc:
Accepted through on-site admissions.
Granted $19,200 Presidential Campus Enrichment Scholarship ($4,800/yr)
Accepted into University Honors.
Awaiting Honors residency/scholarships.</p>

<p>excited that i got into honors. absolutely LOVE the program. interview went well. its either here or Duke for me ;]</p>



<p>Actually by state regs they can only accept 25% of OOS, 75% are IS. The reason you are most likely seeing a lower stat pool is because of the cost to go OOS and in this economy more parents are directing their children to state colleges. It also explains why the Tech stats are increasing since they have more IS applicants to choose from. It is not unusual to see a discrepancy in stats if the school has a strong state name, but not as strong of a national name. If you look at UNCCH or UVA their IS and OOS stats are very similiar because they are nationally seen as a public ivy.</p>

<p>bt I was at the honors weekend too and loved loved loved it…everything about it was what I’m looking for</p>

<p>@Reishmeister: you’re just as vile online as you are in real life.</p>

<p>@K and K: it wasn’t a jest, but i’m still laughing!</p>

<p>**Decision: ACCEPTED! **</p>

<p>going into Biology</p>

SAT Verbal: 700
SAT Math: 700
SAT Writing: 590. bleh
SAT Total: 1990
SAT II: bio 750</p>

<p>didn’t take ACT. APs 4 this year, Euro Hist + Bio + Calc past years
school didn’t do my first 2 years GPA from another school. last year was 3.7
dont think that was weighted. no idea rank or %</p>

<p>thought my essay was bleh. teacher recs were great. didn’t read counselor’s.</p>

<p>paying OSS, current location: caribbean. but i lived in bburg for 4 years a couple years back. bleh, moving around. is that a hook? idk. worked in VA State Park too last summer. never had anything consistent going on, but did as many activities all around as i could, basically. </p>

<p>School Type: private international
Ethnicity: asian-american, pacific-islander
Gender: female
Legacy Yes/No: no
Recruited Yes/No: what is this? the cadets thing? no
Important ECs: paragraph above?
Deferred Yes/No: No</p>

<p>**General Comments/Congratulations/etc: congrats everybody! i love blacksburg!! hahaa happy and excited to go back. **</p>

<p>a question: was anybody else offered 5k financial aid? i didn’t submit my FAFSA. the definition was Hokie Scholars something. anyone else know about this?</p>

<p>rick9087- You mention you are from a school system in NOVA that changed it’s grading scale but didn’t change the grades retro. Are you in Prince William? At the bottom of your transcript should be a note indicating “Prior to 2009-2010: A=93-100, etc. Our Grading Scale: A=90-100, etc.”. It’s more complicated to look at, but it is technically correct. They will be very aware of what they are looking at due to the high number of applicants from PWCS. Having said that, if you feel there was an error you should most def. bring it to their attention.</p>

<p>Rishmeister, I’m sure you won’t say so, but regarding your ‘gesture’ to UVa, ummm sour grapes much? Your stats are very respectable and you have been admitted to one of the finest universities in the nation, however based on the limited information you gave you would not have been as competitive at UVa. Makes one wonder if you applied and the admissions team there felt it wasn’t a good match? Regardless, you are correct VATech has an awesome engineering program. You will get an top-notch education. So will an engineering student at UVa. The sterotype of ‘Muffy’ or ‘Thurston Howell’ is long gone. Their students are studying cutting edge research with professors that engage them in an environment that is right for them. You can’t go wrong with either school as long as you choose the one that fits you best. Be proud of your school, root for your teams, but bashing another schools academic credentials is pretty bad form.</p>


<p>Our kids attend PWCS and I agree that they did change it, but so did FCPS. Rick mighte be from there.</p>

<p>As far as the competition I also agree. The acceptances came out during break, but when our DD went back she said that ALL of the Cambridge students were accepted, and the rest were rejected or wait listed. For those that do not know this program, Cambridge in PWCS only exists at 2 hs and you must qualify to get in, it is not like IB/AP where you can sign up for the courses. It is also known as AICE. The student is awarded an AICE diploma. Less than 10% of the graduating class will receive this commendation.</p>

<p>I agree competition due to economy was very stiff for IS. Don’t get wrapped up in it, the fact is there was a high demand and a lower supply. If you do go to PWCS than I am sure you realize that already.</p>

<p>It is up to you now, you can fold in the cards go to your safety and never look back or you can go to your safety and apply again next yr. It all depends on how badly you want that Lambskin to state TECH. (Lambskin is what diplomas were typically written on yrs ago).</p>

<p>As far as bashing UVA, we all get it, COLLEGE RIVALRY! Especially in the ACC it is common to trash talk the other school (Bullet and I will now have 2 at 2 different ACC schools—neither at UVA). I think the biggest point is, it’s okay to trash talk their teams or programs, but also acknowledge their worth.</p>

<p>One thing to remember is the VA cliche…Hard to get into UVA, but easy to stay. Easy to get into Tech, but hard to stay. To me that says it all! In 2014 on graduation day at both schools, the equilibrium will have been met and both the UVA and Tech student will be the exact same caliber.</p>