Official Early Action / Early Decision Thread for Fall 2023

Thanks again. We are thinking of making this change to one of the LAC we applied. How conscious are they typically of yields and commitment compared to research institutions.

Sorry but last question on this topic!

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Replied via DM


Is there anyone on here who was accepted ED somewhere but hasn’t withdrawn their applications to schools for EA? Just curious.

I would hope not. This is not a trophy competition. If you apply ED and get in, you should cancel all your other schools the next day. It is the ethical thing to do and gives students who do not have an ED acceptance a smaller pool of applicants at their schools.


It would be wrong in so many ways not to have withdrawn. Hopefully kids and their parents are honest.


What’s your opinion on the same topic but for EA?

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@dreamhigh2023 adding my 2 cents though I’m not the person you asked. Since EA is not binding, the acceptance is just one of possibly a variety of acceptances you’ll receive and weigh. I think it’s normal to continue the application process with your other options. However, if you absolutely know that you’re going to the EA school then that’s different.

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I agree with BeverlyWest. EA is not binding and your student should take time to really weigh all the options. When my son applied he knew what his top two schools were without a doubt, so he did withdraw his other applications. I think that was nice for the schools as well as students hoping to get into those schools.


My D’s friends who got deferred or rejected from their ED shotgunned max schools for EA and RD. They didn’t do ED2.
They are all collecting their EA acceptances and waiting for the RD results to pick their best options. Some of these kids have
some excellent EAs that most kids would take in a heartbeat.
However, they are acceptance harvesting, until the end.

My D had some buyer’s remorse from watching her friends since she was a recruited athlete and knew she was “accepted” to her ED last July. I had to remind her that she was basically stress free compared to her friends. Remember the crying and comfort sessions? Bird in the hand is worth two in the bush adult talking points. Got to remember she is only 17 years old and still my baby. :slight_smile:


A post was merged into an existing topic: UT Austin Class of 2027 Official Thread

Agree—and some schools send out their EA decisions without merit/scholarship award notifications. These may not come out until 1-3 months post EA decision. If cost is a factor, need to wait for these notifications.


At our school, our guidance counselors make you do it within days of submitting your enrollment deposit. There have been stories of being rescinded for not doing so quickly.

Unless, of course, you’re waiting for the final financial aid information from your ED school.