<p>hey I got into emory with 1750 in my SAT…that’s all three sections…660M and 550CR…I got into USC, UNC, UT, and UMICH…makes me feel smart when I see what other people got…im going to emory this fall so see u there</p>
<p>^^^^ Are you a urm?</p>
<p>Yeah, but I want to make a point…SAT’s aren’t everything. I’ve met people who get kind of spiteful against me because I got in with (considerably) lower scores. I’m an international applicant from Venezuela, I am (obviously) fluent in spanish and english, I can also speak mandarin chinese and hebrew. I graduated 8/108 in a top school in my country, I’ve lived in Tel Aviv and Shanghai and (I think) I had great essays. So (again, I think) when the admissions people see these things it makes you more of an interesting person and just as smart as a guy with 2400 (no offense I wish I’d gotten 2400). And that’s just the thing, making yourself more interesting. Of course I am completely biased but that’s my opinion. I guess what I’m trying to say is when you look at numbers with scores and grades you can’t automatically assume he/she didn’t deserve it.</p>
<p>also, something to point out to people… the SAT and ACT are biased towards american/primary-english-speaking students. if english isn’t your first language, you typically have a more difficult time on the SAT/ACT. i have a friend who is ranked 2/583 in the IB program who only got a 1200 on his SAT–he is from colombia and moved to the US in 6th grade. i believe that colleges realize this bias as it is increasingly more apparent as first generation college students continue to emerge.</p>
<p>I agree with you that the SAT and ACT might be somewhat biased towards people for whom English is the primary language, but I think that it shouldn’t be much of a problem if you’ve lived in the US for 6 years.</p>
<p>Wow, I definitely second what rachael525 had to say about this thread
I have to say, this thread disgusts me. =(<br>
I mean wow. This is a thread that is supposed to be congratulating those who were accepted and wishing luck to the wait-listed and denied.
Like what afitscher said:
lets just stop this conversation, don’t tarnish the reputation of a prestigious school by bringing in race arguments<br>
For those of you guys trying to raise the standard good for you.</p>
<p>Yet for those who are continuing this garbage, this shows your character and if you were denied good riddance. That type of mess does not need to be going to Americas top schools. Also about the race thing. News flash: It does not play a factor. I mean I’m Black and I got rejected. “ooooo right?” no. I got a 24 on the Act. Now most would say “Oh you weren’t qualified” , but I would beg to differ. Standardized tests are not everything. There is more to a person than a couple Saturday mornings. Me for example, I went a step further than IB’s and AP’s and actually was joint enrolled at local university(note the screen name lol). In the past year I have earned 29 college credits. And I have a cumulative University GPA of 3.9 GPA and a high school GPA of 3.8. Basically if I were to attend Emory I would be starting as a sophomore. (Class of 2012 woot woot) I had tons of ECs and my essays were fine, but yet I am denied. </p>
<p>Man I’m glad God allowed me to see this (yea ima jesus freak, lol) cause I was feeling down about my rejection, but If I’m going to be surrounded by trash like this I see that this is not the school for me. All and all people move on. Don’t idle on it. In respect to the racism. Stop. These extremely racist attitudes are disappointing and immature( I saw some ones mother jump onto the racial bandwagon grow up. If anything, as a responsible adult, you should not facilitate this mess. ) Those who are going to Emory good luck to you those who are wait-listed, hope you get in. those who have been rejected, Hope you do well at your new university. Now I’ll attempt to Bring this thread back to what it was originally designed to do. Those who continue the racial mess or just the immaturity shame on you.</p>
<p>ACT:24 I hate Act/ Sat
APs: 1 (hated it) did joint enrollment instead
GPA: 3.8
Rank: 4… outa 21 lol
ECs listed on app: Bunch
Essays (subject and responses): Great
Teacher Recs: Amazing
Applied on: RD
State or Country: GA
School Type, Average Stats of School: Private obviously
Ethnicity: African American
Gender: Male
Kudos to all that got in. And for all of you rejects: There is hope!</p>
<p>I wonder if any non-urms got in with low stats? Hmmm</p>
<p>I got innnnnnnnnnnn!!!</p>
<p>i’m a urm, i got waitlisted, i have white friends with lower stats than mine that got in.</p>
<p>CavKid91, congratulations on your admission (sorry, kind of late- haven’t been checking this thread much lately). It was kind of obvious you would get off the waitlist, your scores were pretty stellar. Now the whole discussion about AA and VandyPrayer seems pretty insignificant doesn’t it? Well, I guess it was not so pointless since we learned a lot and revealed a lot of truths. Anyway, see you at Emory in the fall! What are you thinking about majoring in?</p>
<p>man, looking at these stats, I am afraid of being the dumbest kid at Emory…Anyone scared of being THE ■■■■■■ of Emory?..I don’t want to end up with a 3.0 at Emory… =(</p>
<p>Haha, clutch, don’t worry, I think everyone with sub 2300 SAT (I have seen quite a bit of high 2200, 2300 SAT scores in this thread) is thinking the same way you are, namely “OMG, I am going to be in the same class with geniuses and will be hanging by a thread at Emory!”. I am actually thinking the exact same way. My mere 2060 on the SAT cannot measure up to some people’s 2300s (although my GPA is a different story). If the adcoms chose you over people who are equally qualified, you brought something special to the table which will undoubtedly help you thrive at Emory’s environment. Also, think about how much you will step up your game in college. You will become a more mature student. I am not expecting a super-smooth transition period from my small private high school to Emory but I am certain that, once we get settled in, our brightness will come through in all our classes and we will earn the place we have been offered.</p>
<p>Hahahah. Thank you. I’m majoring in Business Admin/etc… not exactly sure yet. I want to do something with real estate. What about you?</p>
<p>You can’t judge a book it’s cover and you will never know someone until you’ve walked in their shoes. </p>
<p>Instead of being snobby, pretentious Emory students, that you are, you should be happy for one another. And for the ones who are angry because others’ with lower academic resumes got in in place of you, GET OVER IT. Don’t make someone else feel like they do not deserve it, just because your racist parents say ignorant comments and the fact of the matter is that you do not have a mind of your own, so you repeat what comes out of your parent’s traps.</p>
<p>And Emory as well as other universities consider ALOT when they look at you from a holistic approach. And for you rich kids, you need to realize that not everyone has the money for resources such as SAT preparation courses or for mommy and daddy to pay a person who stole the answers so that you can memorize them and get a perfect score (HAPPENED IN LONG ISLAND a few times, and if you look around campus, you’ll find ALOT of Jewish American Princesses and Princes who speak with a New York accent).</p>
<p>That’s all I’m going to say.</p>
<p>I agree with you Bruins but you have to admit…There are a lot of New York Jews at every prestigious university (I will say especially at my local university, WashU).</p>
<p>That’s because WUSTL is exactly like Emory in the midwest, LOL. It attracts the same types of students. When I was considering schools, I considered both WashU and Emory. And being Jewish and originally born in Long Island, LOL, I have numerous family members that went to WashU. I know schools like Half Hollows Hills East and Roslyn have a lot of parents who are alumnis, so they get a lot of their students into WUSTL.</p>
<p>As a transfer student, I limited out all private schools (Emory, WashU, Cornell, UPenn, Northwestern, UChicago), because of the type of student body. I’m done with private schools, the student are a lot more snobby and pretentious as is shown from the bashing in this thread that was geared towards VandyPrayer.</p>
<p>Every top 20 school attracts the same students, especially Jews and Asians. Also, you’re being very ignorant by assuming that Emory students are “snobby and pretentious” just because a handful of students on a college forum have an arrogant attitude.</p>
<p>I do not mean to appear as ignorant and there was a miscommunication between what I said and what I was trying to convey. What I was really trying to get across was that Emory does have many nice kids, who are on merit scholarships and grants, but has a bigger percentage of upper class students than foresay a large public university like UNC-Chapel Hill or UMich-Ann Arbor, due to the cost ot tuition is not as much and you get the same education at top public universities like UVA, UNC, UCLA, UMich, etc, despite larger academic environments.</p>
<p>And I have friends who go to both Emory and WashU, I’ll be the first to vouch for them that they are normal, regular down to earth students who chose Emory due to it’s reputation and merit scholarship.</p>