OFFICIAL Emory University RD Decisions - Class of 2013

<p>^ just being logical, didn’t mean to hurt you! sorry JASMac!</p>

<p>JASMac, </p>

<p>No, I meant interesting. I started reading the thread when Emory2013? was saying something about “white scores”, but I hadn’t checked the site for a while. So yeah, it was interesting to see how the conversation progressed (or regressed) depending on how you see it. Yes, affermative action still exists, and yes it should be changes so that it is based on socioecomonic status. BUT, I don’t think you can say that people of a certain race (basically URMs) got into a good school merely based on thier race. I mean, admissions officers look at more than just GPA and sat scores. Now VandyPrayer, you have to admit that your scores do not fall into the average ranges for Emory. I don’t know your profile, so maybe you had really good ECs/rec letters/essays. Okay, I’m done, I said my piece! :)</p>

<p>anyone know when we will be given a student ID number? We need it to apply for housing and submit pictures for the emorycard so i was wondering when we will be given it or how we can find it out so that we can begin housing applications.</p>

<p>your ID is your 7 digit number immediately adjacent to your name when you log into opus.</p>

<p>wow that was a silly question. thanks so much blue</p>

<p>Emory2013- You got into a great school (Emory), so why are you upset? Shouldn’t you be happy? You said that you went to a “horrible” (your words) school, applied late, had no work experience, took 0 APs and didn’t list many EC’s. On the other hand, I listed tons of EC’s (didn’t post them all on here), went to a great school, did tons of APs and had jobs. So what makes you think you’re so much better? Because your numbers are higher? Well GPA’s are different depending on what school you attend and the rigor of your program. In other words a 4.0 from a community college is slightly different than a 3.8 from Yale (I’ll give you a hint, the latter is better).</p>

<p>well im predicting EmoryBound91 will be more successful at Emory than Emory2013?beucase she will not be so frickin stubborn and ignorant. Honestly, im glad she got in! Whether race plays as large a role as we think in the admissions process idk but i do know that i purposefully want to go to a school that is teeming with diversity. A completely “whitebread” school would just be plain boring no matter how high the SAT scores were!</p>

<p>It wouldn’t be a whitebread school, if they just looked at SAT scores. Emory would be an Asian school.</p>

<p>…oh wait.</p>

<p>i <3 asians.</p>

<p>me ruvvv yooo rong tahhimmeee.</p>

<p>“Whitebread”…way to be racist.</p>

<p>How would a white school be boring. There can be whites from east europe, north america, different countries and states…very exciting.</p>

<p>If color didn’t matter, then what is the difference with an all white school and all black</p>


<p>I guess when she said she was a “top minority” she was putting down her own race by saying that her 25 ACT is the cream of the crop. Way to go! Congratulations on an undeserved admittance!</p>

<p>^wow your mean. lets just stop this conversation, don’t tarnish the reputation of a prestigious school by bringing in race arguments</p>

<p>it would be all asians i guess…hehe</p>

<p>but seriously, dont call me racist for using the term “whitebread”. I am white! in reality, the way emory, and many other prestigious schools, decide who to admit is by basically asking themselves if the person would be a good addition to their school. If somebody is rejected and happens to be white and has higher scores and grades than a urm who is accepted. that simply means that there was something about the urm that intrigued the adcom and that the white applicant didnt bring to the table. This factor may or may not be race, and probably was not.</p>

<p>I used whitebread, too. I say it all the time. Hehe.</p>

<p>I like Emory for it’s huge percentage of Asians and Jews! I think it’s interesting. =]</p>

<p>I have to say, this thread disgusts me. =(</p>

<p>Ditto. This thread is not representative of the views of Emory students and I hope that people on this thread grow-up before they enter college. End this discussion since it is a thread about RD decisions. PM yourselves if you want to continue to complain.</p>

<p>AGREED just ends this! this has been dragged out for far too long and your not making yourselves look any better!</p>

<p>i agree with hilsa…asians and jews are soo awesome</p>

<p>Asians and Jews unite! Form of captain planet!</p>

<p>dont go to cornell! its really hard and just as good a school as emory. ucla is snooty. go to emory!</p>