OFFICIAL Emory University RD Decisions - Class of 2013

<p>size=+2][ color=green][ b]Decision: ACCEPTED [ /b][ /color][ /size]</p>

<p>[ b]Stats:[ /b][ list]
[ *] SAT I (by section): 2320 , 790 WR, 780 MATH, 750 CR
[ *] SAT IIs: 800 CHI, 730 LIT, 740 MATH I
[ *] ACT:
[ *] APs:
[ *] IBs: hist hl, math sl, econ sl, chi a2 hl, eng a1 sl, a year of psych sl, a year of phys sl
[ *] GPA: weighted 4.02
[ *] Rank: dunno, first quintile
[ *] Other stats:
[ /list][ b]Subjective:[ /b][ list]
[ *] ECs listed on app: dance team captain, forensics public speaking/ debate team, oral interp gold at apac forensics, ltos of theater crap, directing acting etc., uh… hm… oh yeah over the summer went to teach in rural china like local kids english for two weeks. all organized myself and everythign pretty darn intense
[ *] Job/Work Experience: haha, worked at a wood factory for a month, dont ask
[ *] Essays (subject and responses): shud be pretty darn good, wrote about the teaching experience, and the ‘why emory’ was really bs… haa wrote a bunch of superficial uhh like brochure crap. cant believe they bought it… oh well, maybe it was the grades more that mattered
[ *] Teacher Recs: aite, good but not exceptional or anythihng
[ *] Counselor Rec: same
[ *] Applied on: RD whenver that was due
[ *] Hook (if any): grades i guess.
[ /list][ b]Location/Person:[ /b][ list]
[ *] State or Country: uh Chinese american in china
[ *] School Type, Average Stats of School (if available): international school in china, well known + prestigious, independent + private?
[ *] Ethnicity: guess
[ *] Gender: F
[ /list][ b]General Comments/Congratulations/Venting/Commiserations,etc:[ /b] i think i’ll be going. this has been a rough season i have to say. shud’ve done a lot better, but w/ the financial crisis, what can you say? i really need FA and i’m soo glad emory took me and gave me a pretty darn generous packet, esp considering the way things are htis yr.</p>

<p>now i look back, i really wish i app,ied to oxford college, bu toh well~ and uh, yeah i think i’m goign to go for some merit aid next yr, emory scholars and all that good stuff,
missed the deadline this yr. lol~ w/e their aid packet was so great i cant argue. </p>

<p>i think m giong to like the place, warm, more laid-back than say the ivies, nice place, direct flite back to china, pretty big city, yeah i’ll be happy.</p>

<p>i heard theres lots of koreans or sth? oh yeah my main concern is i was going to study IR, but emory is nto so big on that iguess, more liek business, but i ono, i guess i’ll just have to dip my toe in and give everything a try, i mean what do i know about what business/ ir’s really like? keep m options open i guess. oh and i hope i dont come back w/ a southern accent. just cuz i like the non-accent accent i have now… haha~ :)</p>

<p>Decision: Waitlisted</p>

[<em>] SAT: 800m, 780w, 740cr, 2320
[</em>] SAT IIs: 800math2, 770chem, 730bio-e
[<em>] WGPA: 98.139 (+5/honors, +8/AP)
[</em>] Rank: 9/315 (not disclosed)
[<em>] AP’s: 2 US History, 4 Physics C E&M, 5 Physics C M, 5 Chem, 5 Calc BC, US Gov, Psych (self-study), Bio, English Lit, Stats
[</em>] Other stats: math class at Princeton, 350+ hours volunteering at hospital, astrophysics research, varsity tennis, NHS president, etc.
[<em>] Essays: Decent
[</em>] Teacher Recs: Good
[<em>] Counselor Rec: Good
[</em>] State or Country: NJ
[<em>] School Type: Public
[</em>] Ethnicity: Indian
[<em>] Gender: M
[</em>] Staying on Waitlist? No</p>

<p>[ size=+2][ color=green][ b]Decision: ACCEPTED [ /b][ /color][ /size]</p>

<p>[ b]Stats:[ /b][ list]
[ *] SAT I (by section): 690 m, 640 cr, 600 w :frowning:
[ *] SAT IIs: 720 U.S. History, 710 Math II, 580 Latin
[ *] ACT: 30
[ *] APs: 5 U.S. History, 4 World History, 3 English Comp, 2 Physics
[ *] IBs: not offered
[ *] GPA: 4.27
[ *] Rank: 10/395
[ *] Other stats:
[ /list][ b]Subjective:[ /b][ list]
[ *] ECs listed on app: President FBLA, VP NHS, V golf and tennis, homecoming court etc.
[ *] Job/Work Experience: 2 jobs
[ *] Essays (subject and responses): FBLA
[ *] Teacher Recs: pretty good
[ *] Counselor Rec: good
[ *] Applied on: I think the due date for RD
[ *] Hook (if any):
[ /list][ b]Location/Person:[ /b][ list]
[ *] State or Country: Central Florida
[ *] School Type, Average Stats of School (if available): Public, decent- few ivy leagers a year?
[ *] Ethnicity:Asian
[ *] Gender: F
[ /list][ b]General Comments/Congratulations/Venting/Commiserations,etc:[ /b] Congrats to everyone who got in! and for those of you waitlisted, don’t despair!</p>

I’m black and had a 31 on the act, so by your math if I were white I would have gotten a 36? Or do I meet your qualification requirement?</p>

<p>Same here, emory2013?:</p>

<p>I’m African American and made a 35 on the ACT, and you’re saying that’s the equivalent of a white person making a 40? Oh wait, that’s not possible! </p>

<p>Unless you’re an admissions officer (which I doubt), you don’t know how they compare ACT scores of people of different races, don’t just throw out a random number.</p>

<p>To naijagirl: Hey, I’m Nigerian too! :)</p>

<p>My “white” score? No. My score is MY score you idiot. There is no white, black, yellow, or magenta score you foolish person you. I am just as qualified for Emory as these people who were waitlisted and rejected.</p>

<p>My ACT score meant nothing in my admission decision! I was accepted because my application was strong enough to prove I am worthy of Emoy! My friend accepted into Duke and Vandy with a 29 was rejected from Emory. Hello? She was African American. The same person read our applications!</p>

<p>I cannot believe these people on here weight the ACT/SAT like this. How can you tell me I was less qualified than someone else and you’re not an admissions counselor???</p>

<p>Race is a factor in Emory’s decision. Fact is, ON AVERAGE (THIS DOES NOT MEAN THAT YOU NECESSARILY FIT THIS STATEMENT), minorities have significantly lower standards than caucasian applicants. Fact. Done.</p>

<p>VandyPrayer, if you think you are as qualified as any waitlisted or accepted, you are absolutely wrong. Your 3.29 GPA and 25 ACT are far below Emory’s standards, and it’s incredibly naive to think that you were accepted for any reason other than the fact that you are African American. I have a 2300 SAT and a 3.7 GPA and was waitlisted despite having sent a first-choice letter and showing clear interest. As bitter as I may sound, it is absolutely absurd on your part to believe that you are as qualified as the majority of accepted, let alone waitlisted candidates. Face it: you’re in because you’re black.</p>

<p>Agreed with KG2626. It’s a slap in the face to someone like KG2626, or me; both of whom were waitlisted and have worked our ass off and have extremely high test scores (I have a 1580/1600) So clearly, there is some reason that you got in. Let me guess what it could be?!</p>

<p>KG2626: If I were in your place, I would feel the same way. You seem extremely well qualified. I have a friend, who is so well qualified but got wait listed from Emory. It makes me feel bad because I got in- but he is much smarter, well rounded, passionate, hardworking, etc than I am.</p>

<p>Cavkid and kg26 do you know how absurdly ignorant the two of you sound??? if you ask me someone who is as ignorant and limited as you two does not deserve to get into emory with that attitude! last time i checked you are in now way an admission officer nor do you work at the emory office. so how dare you come onto to these forums and discredit people’s accomplishments to tell them they dont deserve their spot bc they only got in bc their black! obviously theses students are far better additions to the emory communtiy than u and u should just accept this instead of being jealous and posting extremely insulting and narrow minded comments.
btw all of you who were accepted congrats:) im a nigerian as well and was waitlsted however i have two very good options with uva and unc so i should be fine either way…</p>

<p>Yes VandyPrayer, I think you are nowhere near the standards Emory holds for most other people. If you don’t believe your race helped you at all, then you are obviously stupid. of course you did say “Jesus” helped you so that helps explain tons.</p>

<p>umm excuse what me u think u can tell someone whether they fit emory’s standards? based on ur above comment u in no way deserve to get into emory nor are u even close to their standards</p>

<p>My stats are there. Apparently they liked me. Maybe they needed another black person. Who knows. </p>

<p>Statistically speaking, explain to me how a 25 ACT and a 3.29 UW GPA is up to Emory’s standards. Please do that.</p>

<p>What about everything else that applicant may have had to offer. You are focusing on two data points. No applicant can be wittled down fairly with just two pieces of information. It is is very bad taste and so ignorant to just pass it off as “maybe they needed another black person.” You should really think before you declare something like that. Furthermore who are you to harp on Emory’s standards? Correct me if I am wrong, because I am more than willing to admit when I have made a mistake, but unless you are working in Emory admissions you do not know what their “standards” are. You were an applicant, possibly accepted I cannot recall, but nothing more. Nothing gives you the right to tear a person down like that.</p>

<p>totally agree with panicpower, there is not set scale for who can and cannot be accepted. sat scores are def not everything and u cannot determine whether an applicant will be accpeted just by scores. nevertheless u dont have the right to destroy a perosn’s accomplishments with extreme ignorance and rudeness</p>

<p>I wouldn’t say that the people who were accepted were unqualified because I have no right to make such assumptions. One fact has been made clear to me this year though…race does play an important role in the admission process whether we want to admit it or not. If you are an average or even above average caucasian or asian, you are basically screwed in the admission process. Regardless of what race you are, congrats on your acceptances!!</p>



<p>Madirocks, you sounded perfectly intelligent in your first sentence… and then you fell to temptation…</p>

<p>The irony of your latter comment is one that is meaningless to the vast majority of African-American, Latino, Native-American and/or other disadvantaged students who lack ANY opportunity to even consider college, much less a an college admission process.</p>

<p>I assure you that the holistic process taken by the Office of Admission is one that is extensive, complex, and weighed in context to individual challenge to rigor and obstacles. The process is one that carefully weighs as many factors as possible while striving to achieve overall goals to engender a balanced, diverse incoming freshman class. As with all matters, compromises are made… but nobody is given a free ride to an Emory degree – this will be earned through 4 years of persevered effort.</p>

<p>I understand what you trying to say. It completely makes sense to diversify and to give people who have less opportunities a shot at a bright future. The ambiguity of the admission process is just frustrating. I would in no way consider myself “perfect” but I do know someone who had almost everything perfect and was turned down by almost every school, while people with lower stats were accepted. Stats matter but then they don’t matter at all at the same time…I guess college applications are just a big gamble! I would never downplay on the accomplishments of any URM students. Anyone who gets accepted to a school deserves to be there for whatever reason, but as a a general fact, being a URM does put an extra plus next to ones application.</p>

<p>At the end of the day, I was accepted to Emory because they felt that I would be a great student to have in their institution. Like I said, my scores are up to their standards because if they weren’t, I would be like most of these other applicants: waitlisted/rejected. And as I said before, my friends (African American, Higher GPA and Scores, Accepted to Duke/Vandy) was rejected from this school. So, there is no way you can tell me that I am not more qualified than her if the same person who read my application read hers and put her in the reject pile. So here is what I say:</p>

<p>When I hit that campus in Fall, none of this matters. We are all on the same grounds. Your ACT means nothing anymore! Your school record means nothing! “I made a 35 on the ACT.” Okay, I made ten points lower. What happened in the end? I was accepted. I’m sure a Caucasian/Asian person with my scores still would have gotten in because I had many things that made you overlook the “ow” ACT score and say, “Yeah. Forget the score. This person deserves this spot.”</p>

<p>With that being said, everyone on this board has truly inspired me in some way. I visit this place seven or eight times a day looking for new opinions. While many comments are ignorance and ugly, I would like to say if my race played a part in my admissions, shame on them. But, thank God that he moved the heart of the person who read it and accepted me.</p>

<p>Sorry to everyone who was rejected or waitlisted. My heart extends to you. And God bless the guy who mentioned my belief in Jesus. May He have mercy on your… Nevermind. Just go to hell. :)</p>