Official Jerome Fisher ED Thread

<p>I see that they did this for Huntsman, so I decided to do it for Jerome Fisher, too! Please put your username on the list and the school you’re applying to should you be rejected, and possibly any other info on why you’re applying, etc.!
I’m applying because I think it’s a great fit for me, and the degrees and education are versatile!
Good luck everyone!</p>

<li>wat4t (SEAS)</li>

<li>wat4t (SEAS)</li>
<li>FreakedOut (Wharton)</li>

<p>Reason: I love business but want to learn about the technology industry specifically. I'd like to hopefully get a job at a big tech company after I graduate.</p>

<p>hahah its about time we got this thread going.</p>

<li>wat4t (SEAS)</li>
<li>FreakedOut (Wharton)</li>
<li>Yukos (Wharton)</li>

<p>I'm applying because my two passions lie in business and electrical engineering. Throughout high school, I've worked with lasers and I have begun to see the vast potential of these fascinating devices. I have also run a small retail business from home, which has exposed me to the workings of retail/internet commerce. I hope to one day bring the applications of photonics to the general public and combine my two interests.</p>

<p>I'd be curious to hear from current students what it's like to be in the program, too..</p>

<li>wat4t (SEAS)</li>
<li>FreakedOut (Wharton)</li>
<li>Yukos (Wharton)</li>
<li>lipgloss (SEAS)</li>

<p>Even though probably my chances at M&T are minimal, I decided to give it a shot because I am really interested and enjoy both management and engineering. But of course, even if I don't get into the program and still get in SEAS I'll be thrilled! :)</p>

<li>wat4t (SEAS)</li>
<li>FreakedOut (Wharton)</li>
<li>Yukos (Wharton)</li>
<li>lipgloss (SEAS)</li>
<li>gmman (SEAS)</li>

<p>I'm applying because it combines two of my greatest interests, and because I think it plays into my strengths. I also strongly believe in a practical education, and I feel that the Jerome Fisher program provides one of the most useful educations out there. I love studying the way different fields connect with each other (i.e. engineering as applied to business in the Jerome Fisher Program). I also love Penn, and if I hadn't been applying to Jerome Fisher I'd have applied ED SEAS anyway, so I figured there'd be no harm even though it's such a hard program to get into.</p>

<p>hmm, aren't there any more of you out there?! Especially current students? I hope I didn't scare anybody away with that thing about having to describe why you want to apply, you don't have to if you don't wanna! :)</p>

<p>Any idea how many students will apply to Jerome Fisher ED? I read on some old threads that about 22 get in ED every year.</p>

<p>I would imagine that around 200 people apply ED then? That's just a random guess though. I really have noo clue...</p>

<p>there were 7 people from cc that applied ED to fisher, 3 accepts, 2 defers and 2 rejects</p>

<p>wow--that's an impressive accept rate from cc, although the sample size is quite small, so who knows what it'll be like this year lol</p>

<p>i thought people didnt get rejected least most ppl dont, and if you apply to M&T you must have some what good thats interestin, and...yeah im applyin</p>

<li>wat4t (SEAS)</li>
<li>FreakedOut (Wharton)</li>
<li>Yukos (Wharton)</li>
<li>lipgloss (SEAS)</li>
<li>gmman (SEAS)</li>

<p>I'm a little confused as to what you are saying. Most people get rejected from the program all in all, and I believe the acceptance rate is something like 10%, so I was figuring that ED was maybe double at most? Someone probably has more accurate stats than that though..</p>

<p>ohh.. when he said rejected i though he meant from penn altogether...</p>

<p>If you guys are accepted, do you plan to pursue a Bachelor of Applied Science or a Bachelor of Science in Engineering?</p>

<p>I personally plan to do BS Engineering, I believe it will give me greater depth of knowledge and a more technical background.</p>

<p>I'm not sure. I'm still in love with my English and History classes, and I don't want to leave them behind. I'll probably end up doing a B.A.S. because of this, but it depends on the workload</p>

<p>I think I would end up doing the BAS degree too because I'm afraid the workload for BSE would be way too heavy. But I'm not sure...</p>

<p>hey did ne of u have an interview?</p>

<p>I did a couple weeks ago, the interviewer didn't mention anything about Jerome Fisher, though (she was an Urban Studies major, so she didn't know much about the program)</p>

<p>Is jerome fisher really that hard with a BSE instead of a BAS? how much harder do BSE students have to work?</p>